Release Notes

Text colors: new features and improvements / consolidation / important bug fix

cosin software 2023-4 release notes

General cosin software aspects

  1. fix: occasional issue with parameter output in resources list
  2. made file selection boxes react faster
  3. made sure passwords entered by user contain no blank spaces
  4. new function available in all cosin scripts: exists(file)
  5. new operators ‚and‘ and ‚or‘ added to arithmetic expressions
  6. output of actually used environmental variables added to files/resources list
  7. output of actually used parameters in arithmetic expressions added to files/resources list

cosin graphical user interface (GUI)

  1. fix: message window activation in cosin applications
  2. fix: occasionally lost decoration of launch pad window
  3. options specification for Simulation Workbench environment added to cosimulation tab of cosin launch-pad


  1. fix: contact patch animation in case of glued contact patch
  2. fix: in air vibration model, thermodynamic reference state computed using actual volume but not undeflected volume
  3. fix: minor inconsistencies for actual filling gas mass and atmospheric pressure computation
  4. fix: occasionally, preprocessing of NPT and solid tires failed without reason
  5. fix: potential crash in statics animation with an uneven number of strips
  6. fix: thermodynamics of filling gas with activated air cavity model improved, by making sure the steady-state relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature remains exactly fulfilled
  7. automatic generation of radial stiffness spline from standard data in case of NPT tire
  8. improved tire properties output
  9. made sure all thermal model parameters are set to default if not specified
  10. more superfluous pressure-related output suppressed for NPT
  11. optional spline-based radial characteristic introduced, mainly for use with NPT tires
  12. pressure control in all kinds of FTire simulations improved
  13. revision/modification date adapted if pre-processed data are appended to tir file
  14. several pressure values output in general properties made better readable
  15. sidewall made visible in solid tire animation
  16. single tire can be selected in animation window
  17. stricter distinction between ‚cold‘ and ‚warm‘ inflation pressure; made sure either one can be specified by sources & sinks signals in FTire/sim, in FTire/fit, and in all CTI environments driven by cti files


  1. made inflation pressure controller available for all actual inflation pressure input modes
  2. new sources & sinks signal ‚inflation_pressure_regulated‘


  1. fix: check-in of vertical load dynamic variation tests might have failed
  2. fix: footprint convex hull computation might have failed in certain extreme cases
  3. fix: for footprint simulations, Fz controller gain FZGAINFR gain has been used instead of FZGAINFP
  4. fix: in muslip tests, cosin/ip might have failed when comparing measurement with simulation output
  5. fix: in some demo fer input files, coordinate system information was missing
  6. fix: potential issue with FTire/fit project generation
  7. fix: switch of identification objective to ‚friction‘ in steady-state tests list might have removed some text in GUI
  8. ‚allow tire file update‘ selection made a project-specific setting and will be remembered when reopening the project
  9. additional information provided when ’not enough data points‘ are reported for a measurement during check-in
  10. avoid duplicating original measurement files if new project folder is within the original measurement folder
  11. demo project file names homogenized
  12. improved FTire/fit what-if and check-in messaging
  13. improvements (new sorting) in FTire/fit friction cases check-in
  14. made sure project packaging in FTire/fit works with blank spaces in zip file name
  15. measurement file names modified if necessary so that LI matches defined load index parameter
  16. operating condition ‚tread depth‘ made available in measurement details for handling tests
  17. tab-individual settings reset in GUI implemented


  1. fix: operating conditions specification in FTire/link extended blocks
  2. fix: plot signal list output in FTire/link extended blocks
  3. new inflation pressure API function added to S-functions
  4. warm inflation pressure checkbox added to all extended single-thread Simulink blocks


  1. added additional io signals for FTire RT interface in Simulation Workbench
  2. adjusted Simulation Workbench Demo to new cti API function ctiQC
  3. adjusted single Simulation Workbench RTDBs for additional IO signals for FTire RT interface
  4. call ctiSetRunTimeMode(-1) to avoid any step size control under RT conditions
  5. extended tire RTDB for new output signals
  6. numerical robust overrun event handling in all ctiComputeForces variants during hard real-time simulations


  1. .rgu files are now generated even in run-time mode 6 if applicable
  2. 2D road evaluation made thread-safe for all road types
  3. certain geometry data in rgr headers optionally allow parametric definition now, using arithmetic expressions
  4. made sure robust projection on center-line works even if curve has two sections very narrow to each other


  1. fix: open cosin/ip GUI from application might have failed
  2. fix: unloading files in cosin/ip might have been skipped unnecessarily
  3. cti files now are automatically wrapped by 3rd-party required data now if file is opened in cosin/tools
  4. fix: window size in case of dual monitors and menu issues
  5. improvements in cosin/ip for directory list, file list, and file labeling
  6. sort wrt short file names enabled

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: ‚optimize rgr file format‘ function occasionally failed
  2. fix: automatic 3D plot of rgr+rgu files did not properly take into account soft soil modifications saved in rgu file
  3. fix: creation of friction patches occasionally failed
  4. fix: rgr watermark generation occasionally failed
  5. new selection ‚tile‘ in ‚modify‘ panel, to create tile-like arranged water marks

cosin/tools for tires

  1. fix: ctirecord call for ctiWriteStatesMemoryList API function missing
  2. fix: message output for record files
  3. fix: possible issue with contact patch stuck to ground in static simulations
  4. fix: tire construction type entry field in FTire/estimate might have been unrecognized
  5. fix: unit treatment in case of non-standard unit systems for values in tool-tips of cosin/tools for tires
  6. ‚glueing‘ selection in statics GUI no longer recognized
  7. obsolete tire files removed from installation package
  8. add certain tire variations of all pass_car type tire models, see documentation
  9. add new data FTire model truck_7R16_116T.tir
  10. add new demo FTire model pass_car_225_45R18_95Y.tir
  11. all HTire source files formatted
  12. full integration of NPT and solid rubber type tire in GUI
  13. made sure horizontal stiffness characteristics in fingerprints pass through origin
  14. new 2-column display of general properties for improved readability
  15. several improvements in cti record file analysis and replay
  16. updated classroom_pass_car_245_50R18_100W.tir FTire model to same parameter status as pass_car_245_50R18_100W_thermal.tir

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. fix: multiple record file generation fixed if multi-threaded call switch is falsely not set
  2. fix: quarter-car simulation now exactly follows given velocity signal even on tracks with constant non-zero distance to center-line
  3. fix: reduce initial transients with fixed step size solver, excited during transition from steady-state initialization to dynamic simulation (these transients occur if the assumed fixed step size in steady-state simulation does not match the solver’s step size, or if solver changes step size even if run-time mode does not allow to)
  4. ’save as tir-file for Adams ..‘ button added to cti-file editor, saving a cti-file with allowed extension .tir; thus, Adams recognizes it as a valid tire property file and loads it respectively
  5. automatically wrapping all cti-files by data required by 3rd-party solvers when opening in cosin/tools, thus making them unrestrictedly available in Adams/Car, vi-CarRealTime, and Simpack
  6. ctiComputeForces (and similar) calls aborted with error message if solver controls step size in office application but FTire speed-mode is set to hard RT; only warning if step-size change is caused by apparent over-run in RT environment
  7. further reducing potential initial transients when FTire is called by constant step size solver, by introducing solver-dependent assumed constant step size
  8. global optional transformations of road types ‚rgr with center-line‘ after loading made selectable in cti file
  9. made sure no plot file is generated if ’no plot‘ output is ordered
  10. made tire data files in cosin/io format unconditionally available in all 3rd-party environments
  11. new CTI API function ctiSetInflationPressureExtended‘, see documentation
  12. new ‚TYDEX signal redefinition‘ capability introduced in ‚files & more‘ pane of cosin/tools for tires, to specify and make available arbitrary output signals even in CTI environments that only provide TYDEX signals
  13. new example cti-file for Adams added to installation package
  14. nicer hyphenation implemented in resources list within 3rd-party environments
  15. wrapped all cti files in installation package for unconditional use in Adams and other 3rd-party solvers

CTI/client (remote CTI execution)

  1. new cticliVersionIdent API function


  1. added FTire file variations documentation
  2. added spline-based radial characteristics documentation
  3. completed rgr road data file documentation
  4. added new CTI API function documentation

cosin software 2023-3 release notes

General cosin software aspects

  1. fix: potential use of wrong emulated version after change in launch-pad
  2. copy/save function added, by right click in all files listed in application file statistics
  3. improved tooltips usage selection in GUI menu bar


  1. fix: potential numerical issue in computation of volume gradient value during pre-processing
  2. fix: potential slight dependency of output torque on numerics and direction of travel of y component in case of RT force extrapolation
  3. new output signal: ‚total CPU time w/o communication overhead [s]‘
  4. compressed storage of pre-processed data in tir-files introduced, considerably reducing tir-file size


  1. fix: ‚what if‘ output potentially empty if verbose message window is switched off
  2. fix: check-in of vertical stiffness measurements: misleading warning message „inflation pressure does not match supported test conditions“ removed
  3. fix: potentially inconsistent units used for VMAX in FTire/fit
  4. fix: in cleat test simulations: tire rotation speed might start with wrong value
  5. fix: validation of cleat tests might not work if character ‚ (single quote) is included in project folder name
  6. FTire/fit prepared for non-pneumatic tires (NPT)
  7. new FTire/fit toolbox for Matlab implemented, to access measurements checked in by FTire/fit for identification using Matlab optimization functionality, see documentation
  8. improved resolution in FTire/fit image output
  9. modified GUI script to create new demo project without any user input
  10. refreshed FTire/fit demo data by new measurements


  1. fix: physical unit scaling in center-line banking evaluation
  2. sped up full 3D triangulation evaluation in case of a single moving body
  3. full 3D road animation model improved
  4. added optional road transformations after loading pure rgr roads, at run time


  1. automatic and complete support of all 4 unit systems (independent on unit systems used in plot files) implemented in cosin/ip
  2. error and warning messages output in cosin/ip made more user-friendly
  3. function plotting added to helpers menu, based on general arithmetic expression for function
  4. made curve follower function in cosin/ip smoother
  5. new plot file reformatter added, exporting any supported cosin/ip file format to one of mtb,mtl,tdx formats

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: road tools ’new rgr road‘: buttons ok, cancel, preview, apply might have been invisible
  2. quotes added to ROAD_VERTICAL entry in rdf files, to make files readable by all 3rd-party environments

cosin/tools for tires

  1. fix: cosin/tools started from Adams/Car GUI on Linux could not open a tir file saved in cosin private data folder
  2. fix: viewing of tir file numeric properties might have changed the run time mode
  3. new tir files with variations of some parameters added to set of example files in installation package

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. fix: potential crash if cti/sim is called in RT speed mode for other than rgr road type
  2. added non-blocking mode for ctiReadStatesMemoryList API function
  3. added respective message to ctiWriteStatesMemoryList API function output in case force extrapolation is active
  4. new API function ctiGetRoadModelType
  5. ctiMoveRoad API function supports now all kinds of roads

CRI (cosin road interface)

  1. added new CRI API function criGetRoadModelType


  1. added tire variations documentation and fingerprint instructions
  2. FTire/fit Matlab Toolbox documentation added to FTire/fit chapter

cosin software 2023-2 release notes

General cosin software aspects

  1. support discontinued for:
    • 32-bit builds on Windows
    • 32-bit builds on RHEL6
    • 64-bit builds on RHEL6
    • 64-bit builds on REDHAWK6
  2. improved error message in case of missing license
  3. color legend placement and movement in animation windows improved
  4. new function in arithmetic expressions: noise(x,T) (see documentation)

cosin graphical user interface (GUI)

  1. fix: ‚open recent‘ menu
  2. old-style file selection box called from command-line replaced by OS-specific standard solution
  3. about window made visible under all circumstances
  4. design and layout of small message windows when called from GUI or application unified and simplified
  5. immediate display of files in cosin launch-pad buttons if recently opened/added introduced
  6. improved info message when emulated cosin version is used
  7. application window placement made more consistent


  1. fix: potentially misleading warning message in case of suboptimal pre-processing, in verbose mode
  2. specification of more than 9 color palettes supported now in tir-files
  3. new TPMS signals: longitudinal and lateral strain
  4. new animation model for NPT tire introduced, displaying the spokes
  5. made sure color legend is shown for gray-scale footprints
  6. made sure measured footprint image is properly resized according to animation window resize
  7. made sure optional road file is recognized in statics computation
  8. made TYDEX signal ‚tire deflection‘ available in FTire speed modes less or equal 6
  9. message in case of superfluous weight parameter in FTire data file introduced
  10. radial plastic rim deformation threshold value now allowed to be different for outboard and inboard rim side
  11. tire size string now edit-able in cosin/tools, including selection of predefined ETRTO metric or inch notation


  1. improved window sizes and widget placements during interactive simulations


  1. fix: footprints boundary comparison if tire data file contains non-trivial tread pattern
  2. fix: animation window in interactive cleat test simulations occasionally was hidden behind FTire/fit window
  3. fix: potential crash of GUI window after selecting initial FTire data file
  4. fix: static load-case result display in FTire/calc
  5. bmp image files in folder meas of old FTire/fit projects are backed up in meas_bkp for optional re-check in
  6. improved slider specification for interactive cleat tests
  7. made GUI-based control desk selection in FTire/fit observed also by interactive cleat tests
  8. made tire size string as used in FTire/fit report edit-able


  1. added support for Simulation Workbench 2022.2
  2. changed default Simulation Workbench version to 2020.2
  3. rotational damping in case of steering motion input in ftdwt reactivated


  1. fix: occasional fail of length unit heuristics for old ASCII format rgr data
  2. fix: occasional fail of password query for pw-protected rgr files
  3. new fast center-line evaluation in higher speed modes
  4. definition and evaluation of ‚water puddles‘ for hydro-planing simulations


  1. automatic switch between FTire and cosin/mbs settings (predefined search strings) in cosin/ip
  2. prevent cosin/ip from occasional hanging when browsing too fast
  3. space-saving compression of formula-based roads if obstacle geometry is independent on x

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: potential issue in road generator when setting height constant along x-axis
  2. fix: made sure friction values are correctly inserted when reformatting old ASCII rgr files
  3. fix: make fast rgr reformatting work if center-line data are not read from rgr-file, but from extra center-line file
  4. accelerated obstacle creation of obstacles not depending on x (like ruts)
  5. new cosin/tools function: show road height profile along given general curve in x/y plane
  6. new feature ‚puddles‘ in road builder for hydro-planing model
  7. new obstacle types in road builder: irregular ruts, dry or water-filled
  8. new single obstacles in road builder:
    • elliptical pothole
    • circular puddle
    • rectangular puddle
  9. integration of puddles in road visualizer

cosin/tools for tires

  1. fix: fingerprint comparison to other emulated versions
  2. fix: column width of Numerical Settings table to fit on one page
  3. fix: made sure speed mode is always shown correctly in GUI
  4. all outdated Pacejka Magic Formula variants besides Pacejka 2002 no longer supported
  5. full integration of NPT tire in GUI
  6. made sure apparently corrupted tire database is not used
  7. new example FTire data file in cosin/io format
  8. new npt.tir example data file

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. fix: made sure selected prefix in CTI is not partially disregarded
  2. fix: potentially incomplete message output when computeForcesList function is used
  3. fix: potential dysfunction of sliders in ctiQuarterCar simulations


  1. documentation completed for NPT tires

cosin software 2023-1 release notes

Beginning with version 2024-1, we will discontinue support of all rgr road data files in Ascii format.
Please use
cosin/tools for roads -> export -> optimize file format to reformat your data files from Ascii to binary.


  1. new optional Tcl/Tk based sliders implemented, serving as more user-friendly alternatives to sliders in animation window
  2. tooltip added in animation window, shown if user clicks a transformation icon and does not keep mouse button pressed while moving
  3. generalized image transformation options added in animation window, mimicking simultaneously Matlab/Adams/Simpack ways to transform animation scene with mouse
  4. slider placement improved in animation window

cosin GUI

  1. redesign of FTire/sim, FTire/calc, and cosin/mbs GUIs layout
  2. new selection ’show warnings and errors of last run‘ introduced in ‘Output’ menu


  1. fix: histogram and distribution density computation
  2. new fast computation of signal derivative, integral, and non-recursive filter


  1. fix: proper interpolation of rim compliance Green’s function in case number of segments is considerably greater than number of Green’s functions data points
  2. TYDEX output signal #72 (formerly effective road friction at first contact point) replaced by road friction factor near contact patch center, to comply with HTire
  3. optional polynomial-based belt contour modifying sliders introduced


  1. optional additional low-pass filter added to measurement signal check-in
  2. improved initial placement of measured footprint in interactive comparison
  3. improved interactive footprint analysis: direct and fast boundary comparison added


  1. Added functionality to use different starting positions than 0,0,0 for an Adams Car within a VIDriveSim RT Setup


  1. new optional fast center-line shift after loading in RGR evaluation
  2. new road surface texture index output in RGR evaluation routines


  1. external forces and moments action on bodies provided as plot signals in cosin/mbs

cosin/tools for tires

  1. consolidation of FTire speed mode naming in GUI
  2. specification of vertical load for handling data generalized in GUI
  3. made sure 2D friction plots are available even without pre-processing a tir-file
  4. new sliders for belt lateral curvature radius and shoulder geometry in interactive analysis tool
  5. improved warning message when trying to edit and/or save a new tir-file with an old cosin version
  6. added more classroom tir-files

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. new CTI function ctiMoveRoad() for shifting and rotating a road after loading
  2. made constant step-size check in CTI compatible with VI-CarRealTime
  3. constant step-size check in CTI made more robust against rounding effects
  4. constant step-size check failure in RT mode reduced from ‘abort’ to ‘warning’
  5. made sure FTire in Simpack survives the constant step-size check even if step-size is changed in first steps (but not thereafter)
  6. automatic set of multi-threaded call flag for all Adams solvers
  7. changed moving body demo to twin drum road
  8. improved message output, informing about animation settings priority and selection


  1. fix: run_time_mode documentation for RT level 2 changed from ’no tydex‘ to ‚minimal tydex‘

cosin software 2022-4 release notes

cosin GUI

  1. fix: potential crash in GLUT for Windows if window is repeatedly resized
  2. made sure cosin message windows are always completely visible


  1. fix: curve color palette selection
  2. fix: occasional issue with file labelling in GUI
  3. fix: potential crash when resizing plot window
  4. made sure xzoom is correct after reloading a file
  5. new functions: round/noround axis end values and selection whether mouse zoom affects only x, only y, or both x and y
  6. new curve follower feature added
  7. more tooltips
  8. GUI redesigned
  9. GUI window flickering reduced when changing zoom or clicking legend entries
  10. new function: display of basic properties of signal in focus
  11. right click in file list implemented, unloading a file
  12. font selection for PNG export added in GUI
  13. plot defining macros implemented
  14. new fast signal rename function added


  1. fix: effective out-of-plane bending stiffness (and thus mainly cornering stiffness) for a second inflation pressure, if defined, for small tires might have been larger than defined
  2. fix: occasionally too small sidewall text size in animation window
  3. fix: tire surface coloring for air flow and pressure distribution
  4. n_tire_states data item added to interface numerics GUI
  5. specification of slip and cornering stiffness as basic properties for tires without tread pattern definition made more accurate


  1. fix: occasional issue with Fx plots in FTire/fit


  1. added Support for SimWB 2021.2 and 2022.1


  1. fix: center-line load-time low-pass filter evaluation
  2. maximum road length of stochastic roads in animation increased to 2 km
  3. road animation model accelerated for RGR with center-line roads
  4. writing of RGU files made thread-safe
  5. center-line projection in RGR road evaluation made more robust, avoiding unnecessary restarts and subsequent RT overruns
  6. made center-line projection work fast and accurate even for distances to center-line up to 50 m
  7. new option shclorig (’shift center-line into origin‘) in RGR header to let center-line start in global origin and along x-axis, evaluated at load-time​​

cosin/tools for tires

  1. fix: camber thrust computation and output in FTire characteristics plots and fingerprint
  2. too large Fz values in PAC2002 export mitigated
  3. new agricultural demo tire
  4. new button in analyze pane: ‚K&C restrictions‘ for convenient and fast display of K&C stability limits for VI-CarRealTime, CarMaker, CarSim etc.
  5. final values of slip angle sweeps and camber thrust computations made selectable in configurable fingerprints
  6. additional demo tires provided
  7. rolling speed made selectable in PAC2002 export

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: fast RGR header editing in case of RGR with center-line and if last option carries a numeric value
  2. improved user info when loading huge CRG files
  3. new info added to single location evaluation, telling if location is inside road data domain
  4. zc0 and filtc data items added to ‘modify’ tab
  5. proper dealing of ds=.. and closed options added to ‚modify‘ function
  6. new functionality: fast comparison of two RGR files
  7. additional output of center-line numerical properties in ‘inspect/center-line’ function
  8. new features in center-line inspection:
    • display of curvilinear equidistant stations
    • more detailed quality measures

cosin/tools for Matlab

  1. increased size of animation window if called from FTire blockset
  2. CTI S-functions made thread safe when using together with Matlab Parallel Computing toolbox
  3. added cosin version output to welcome message in Matlab
  4. Matlab script rmcosin added, deactivating cosin environment in Matlab

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. minimum solver step size in case of step-size control made configurable
  2. HMIN item added to CTI files
  3. ctiCallingSolver() made thread-safe
  4. new CTI function ctiGetRoadDependFiles()
  5. new demo to show how to use ctiGetRoadDependFiles() function
  6. operating conditions in Adams now automatically evaluated not only for STI interface, but also for CTI interface

cosin software 2022-3 release notes


  1. fix: potential DOE slider crash
  2. maximum formula string length set to 1024 for efficiency reasons
  3. improvements in cosin/ip:
    a. new command noxsignal, showing sample index on x-axis instead of independent variable
    b. fixed sort commands
    c. re-arranged PSD-related entries in GUI


  1. new naming ‚carcass/belt neutral axis‘ instead of potentially misleading ‚carcass line‘ in message and file output
  2. made sure FTire/statics completes under all circumstances even if diagnosis animation window is shown
  3. allowing formula expressions instead of constants for initial operating conditions in tir-files


  1. fix: potential crash in cleat test identification
  2. fix: minor issue with caption generation in FTire/fit report
  3. ‚optimize numerical settings‘ computation accelerated
  4. new analysis button in GUI: parameter score sensitivity analysis
  5. added all missing terms for optional second inflation pressure selection
  6. new ‚combined identification‘ mode added to GUI for improved determination of parameters that simultaneously depend on different kinds of measurements
  7. score computation in FTire/fit improved and consolidated
  8. project loading time shortened


  1. fix: made all auxiliary cosin windows called from Simulink blocks work
  2. made sure more than one single-threaded or multi-threaded FTire/link block can be run in one Simulink model
  3. made external drum speed control in Simulink work with standard road file cosin_drum.rdf


  1. added support for Adams Real-Time on SimWB using VI Roads and ViDriveSIm environment


  1. fix: array-based rgr evaluation observes road motion data now
  2. maximum length of cosin/io- and TeimOrbit-formatted stochastic roads in animation increased to 2 km; as before, for pure simulation w/o road animation model, roads are arbitrarily long
  3. road animation model accelerated for rgr with center-line roads


  1. make record file replay be aware of non-trivial road motion data
  2. enabled animation for tire>1 in record file replay
  3. enabled message window display in record file replay

cosin/tools for tires

  1. rim compliance plots added to fingerprint
  2. available characteristics plots completed by vertical deflection on cleat
  3. meaning of additional design parameters in sim-scripts for characteristics plots added in terms of GUI tooltips
  4. n_tire_states data item added to interface numerics GUI
  5. optional time tables for operating conditions preserved when editing and saving a tir-file

cosin/tools for roads

  1. made array-based rgr roads work in 2d and 3d visualization
  2. made sure basic road info is shown in GUI even for huge rgr files
  3. made sure rgr files can be plotted in automatic mode even for huge files
  4. allow more complex arithmetic formulae in road builder; improved error message if arithmetic expressions are too complex
  5. center-line extraction from rgr takes into account now non-trivial friction coefficients
  6. road info output in visualization window completed
  7. improved user info when loading huge crg files in cosin/tools

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. occasional strong initial transients caused by external solvers frequently going backward in time during first steps considerably reduced
  2. solver-individual settings in co-simulation pane of cosin launchpad introduced
  3. minimum solver step size in case of step-size control made configurable

cosin software 2022-2 release notes


  1. new lean and fast loading binary format (.trb) for CAD files processed by cosin/tools
  2. new CAD file formatting and export with automated sharp edge detection, useful for rim CAD files
  3. made sure complete animation scene is shown in pause mode

cosin GUI

  1. specification of more than one cosin license files in GUI enabled


  1. fix: potential rare crash in parallel statics computation
  2. accuracy of motorcycle tire surface computation for animation model and camber-dependent maximum radius improved
  3. extra output signals ‚forces on cleat‘ computed in cleat-fixed coordinate system rather than global coordinates
  4. global damping modification factors completed with damping between belt nodes
  5. rolling resistance-relevant structural damping parameterization improved
  6. new optional compensation of non-uniformity-induced tire runout
  7. new optional definition of higher harmonics for all angle dependent imperfections
  8. improved scope placement in animation window for more than 2 wheels
  9. parameter ‚first spoke position‘ now also used for detailed internal rim model
  10. tread thickness computation of tires with small lateral radius improved
  11. new simultaneous transformation of wheel reference system, gravity direction, and evaluation plane of 3d triangulation roads


  1. fix: reference plot in vertical stiffness with camber angle
  2. fix: computation of maximum camber-dependent tire radius
  3. file check-in ‚what if‘ function improved
  4. improved friction identification: more precise detection of small sliding velocities during check-in of horizontal statics measurements
  5. improved footprint-based parameter identification
  6. new function: create and show footprint image from FE result file if it contains contact forces


  1. made sure creation of plot signal list in Simulink will not pull a license
  2. Simulink error message triggered now in any case of run-time errors


  1. fix: soft soil evaluation in case of rotated rgr road
  2. fix: rgr and soft soil animation model in case of local transformation
  3. improved error handling for unsupported road data files
  4. clean ‚wrapping‘ of rotating drum by general rgr road files


  1. fix: correct axis labeling of logarithmic axes in cosin/ip
  2. slider-based material selection and display added to CAD file browser

cosin/tools for tires

  1. fix: selection for air cavity model and geometry computation in GUI made non-contradictory
  2. all motorcycle tir-files marked as ‚two-wheeler‘ tires, including respective selection of camber thrust fingerprint
  3. new comparison of two different speed modes in fingerprint
  4. new plot in fingerprint: tread surface lateral curvature

cosin/tools for roads

  1. new fast ‚triangulated roads to rgr‘ export
  2. new module to generate a 3D rail file as road example for general transformations
  3. fast PSD display added to road visualization GUI

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. fix: tire and road state retrieve from file or memory in case of highest speed mode and array-based road evaluation
  2. gravity direction optionally can be set in ctiLoadRoadData() in terms of a file-name prefix
  3. individual and general gravity direction can be set now in cti files for all tire instances


  1. fix: documentation of residual structural stiffnesses in FTire

cosin software 2022-1 release notes


  1. fix: potential endless loop when hitting Esc in graphics window with some solvers
  2. improved slider display in animation window
  3. introduced specification of more than one OLicense license files in GUI

cosin GUI

  1. new red buttons in cosin launchpad for faster control of open or running cosin windows and applications


  1. fix: potential crash when restarting multithreaded animation after aborting previous animation with ‘Esc’
  2. fix: potentially inaccurate TYDEX transformation matrix output during statics computation
  3. fix: improved numerics of output signal computation, to ensure total power loss cannot get smaller than sum of internal power losses.
    This fix might increase rolling resistance output in some cases, which is compensated by a more accurate specification of belt extension damp-ing, see bullet point 4
  4. more accurate rolling resistance computation enabled by introduction of mod-ifiable segment-to-segment damping value (‘belt extension damping’)
  5. new real-time capable hydroplaning model introduced, see FTire model doc-umentation for more
  6. specification of kind of volume computation updated, introduced in GUI, and documented
  7. correct gravity value (if not earth) in statics computation selected
  8. improved volume computation and approximation
  9. both structural and tread rubber stiffness and damping properties made sim-ultaneously modifiable during simulation using sliders, enabling more in-depth analyses of vibrational behavior


  1. fix: looped simulation in FTire/sim
  2. more user-friendly selection of data files and simulation details in GUI


  1. removed Matlab 32bit support (mex and slx targets)
  2. set minimum version for Matlab mex and slx targets to 2016b


  1. added support for Adams RT in SimWB including rFpro/ABDynamics and Vi-Grade
  2. extended cosin demo to manipulate velocity of the demo car via SimWB
  3. added signal handler to get final statistics for FTire runs in SimWB
  4. added SimWB ENV setting for FTire RT analytics
  5. extended demo for using CarMaker+FTire on SimWB using IPG Movie


  1. fix: writing of general soft soil data to file header when saving rgr data files
  2. fix: specification of rendered vs. grid display of road in animation window
  3. fix: error message if MSC’s xml road file is being loaded w/o MSC library avail-able or licensed
  4. fix: potential crash with array-based road evaluation using VRcompute by VI-Grade
  5. fix: ambiguity of parameter phi in rgr header resolved
  6. added optional water-film niveau data to rgr header, see rgr documentation
  7. new optional feature ds= or ds=sync in rgr header, to enforce exact syn-chronization between center-line path
  8. coordinate and rgr x-position, useful for extremely long roads
  9. new array-based rgr evaluation state save/retrieve to/from file/memory

cosin/tools for tires

  1. optional reference plots added to fingerprint and characteristics plot
  2. new drop-down menus for rim contour and intended tire use
  3. easy-to-use import/export of FTire spline data as csv or mtl file for simplified processing in Matlab or Excel added to GUI
  4. single-click spline data generation and export on basis of simplified geomet-rical specification added
  5. data file comparison output made more user-friendly
  6. improved fingerprint for two-wheeler tires: camber angle range adapted to kind of tire, camber thrust plot added
  7. new interactive graphics-based cross-section editor implemented
  8. cross section inner area output added to cross section plot
  9. RTF factor computation comprises hydroplaning model if activated
  10. cross section plot equipped with imperial units if selected by user
  11. animation settings GUI made more user-friendly
  12. new simple consistency check of modal damping values D1 vs. D2 added to GUI

cosin/tools for roads

  1. stl file output completed by stl footer, needed by some CAD applications
  2. visualization of huge rgr files with center line improved and accelerated
  3. fast rgr file header read/write/change for huge rgr files introduced in GUI
  4. made sure rgr roads with extra transformations are correctly displayed in animation window
  5. improved crg -> rgr export: automatic dx/ds syncing added to exported header

cosin software 2021-4 release notes


  1. fix: evaluation of arithmetic functions made thread-safe under all conditions
  2. made sure OGL file replay can consecutively play data files with and w/o textures in one session
  3. new function in arithmetic expression: ld(x), base 2 logarithm
  4. consistently grey out unavailable FTire features and sub-models
  5. new error message if cosin installation apparently is incomplete
  6. made sure huge coordinate values in plot software don’t cause roundoff error issues in animation scenes

cosin GUI

  1. fix: occasional hanging cosin GUI when changing license settings
  2. made sure all tabs of cosin’s launchpad are completely visible in Windows for all display settings


  1. fix: treatment of optional belt layer thickness in cross section plot
  2. fix: ‘times of state array saves’ output values
  3. fix: marking of certain parameters that are not triggering pre-processing
  4. fix: CTI filenames specified in TIR file header are no longer converted to lower-case
  5. fix: tread state interpolation in colored animation model
  6. fix: occasional convergence issue in wheel envelope computation
  7. fix: specification of rendered vs. grid display of full road in animation window
  8. fix: use correct gravity value (if not earth) in statics computation
  9. improved image placement in interactive footprint simulation
  10. improved placement of multiple color legends in animation window
  11. allow contact elements inside grooves to be treated as ‚dummy‘, saving computing time
  12. smart tread strip placement, observing grooves geometry
  13. made sure speed mode 1 behaves exactly as speed mode 0 at extreme local ground pressure values
  14. made sure PNG files with exif chunks can be used as tread pattern images
  15. potentially mis-allocated labels FL, FR, RL, RR (depending on calling solver) in animation window replaced by wheel indices 1..4
  16. consistently grey out unavailable FTire features and sub-models


  1. fix: file legend in output of FTire/fit plots


  1. made coordinates for wheel envelope combination selectable both in FTire/sim and CTI environments, selecting wheel-carrier fixed coordinate system as default


  1. fix: potential crash when restarting multithreaded simulation after aborting previous run with the Esc key
  2. made sure several message windows can be opened in Simulink sequentially, in repeated model runs


  1. array-based RGR evaluation made solver-type independent
  2. increase maximum resolution of 2D PSD roads


  1. reduced flickering when launching OGL player and CAD file browser

cosin/tools for tires

  1. fix: certain issues with characteristics plot output
  2. fix: emulated version entry field in GUI
  3. new buttons ‚analyze/show tread pattern‘, working for all kinds of tread pattern specifications
  4. made general info computation valid for all modified inflation pressures and tread depths, including reference values for stiffness decrease on cleats etc.
  5. recognition and reporting of erroneous data files improved

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: made sure CAD-file export to RGR file with center-line is scaled correctly
  2. fix: coordinate specification in RGR file generation with new center-line
  3. fix: friction display in visualization of RGR with center-line
  4. fix: left/right lane friction value observed when exporting/extracting center-line data from RGR file
  5. added center-line specification in CAD file export to RGR file
  6. new button in case of RGR with center-lines: ‚prepare for fast evaluation by moving height data from center-line to RGR‘
  7. CAD file export completed by writing of footer if required

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. removed user-defined Magic-Formula-type models
  2. record-file entries added for CTI file controlled operating conditions


  1. cosin/gl help page completed with icon descriptions
  2. RGR format documentation updated: new recommendations for very large files; description of RGR header entry ‚mu=‘ added
  3. new chapter ‚cosin output files‘
  4. description of functions meast, measd, measdd added to cosin/io chapter
  5. tread thickness specification by function expression added to FTire/model chapter

cosin software 2021-3 release notes


  1. fix: OpenGL line color change in animation under Windows
  2. removed restriction to maximum 1.000.000 nodes per frame in animation scenes
  3. output of recently clicked 3D object in animation window added
  4. improved placement of multiple color legends in animation window, avoiding potential overlaps
  5. fix and display light source placement in animation window

cosin GUI

  1. info on how to abort occasionally hanging cosin applications added to GUIs via a respective tooltip


  1. fix: maximum lateral and radial elastic rim deformation in simplified internal flexible rim model had been mixed up (flex rim models using FE-based data files were not affected)
  2. fix: rim-to-road contact computation in case of road type ‚cleat‘
  3. fix: ISO footprint forces/moments output now based on contact forces
  4. made sure rim-to-road contact works properly for road types ‚cleat‘ both in TeimOrbit and in cosin/io format
  5. dynamic distributed air cavity reaction forces on rim flanges taken into account in rfo output file
  6. avoid purely numerical air vibration excitation through segment periodicity at small non-zero rolling speeds, by increasing numerical damping in respective wheel angular velocity range
  7. plastic rim deformation, if any, taken into account in computation of rim-to-road contact geometry
  8. in FTire animation, camera control made adjustable on the fly by sources&sinks routines
  9. new option ’selectable cross-section‘ in FTire animation window, controllable by slider; respective section on the tire surface marked in grey
  10. taking into account tread deflection in tire surface geometry visualization
  11. taking into account conicity in deflected side wall curvature geometry
  12. improved operating conditions log output
  13. deactivate rotation angle-dependent imperfections in statics computation
  14. more accurate FTire inner volume computation, used for deflection dependent inflation pressure computation even if air vibration model is not active
  15. allow blank lines in legacy operating conditions definition in tir-files
  16. more accurate color selection in surface distortion coloring


  1. data-base-driven estimation formula in FTire/fit introduced
  2. added check and correction of FE results data in case a negative nodal load is applied
  3. new optional kind of friction identification, based on whole steady-state simulation time period
  4. improved initial measured footprint image placement in interactive footprint simulation


  1. fix: looped simulation might not have worked under certain circumstances
  2. quarter-car animation model specified by animation settings GUI


  1. making sure FTire/link library is shown in Simulink library browser


  1. added support for Linux RT based dSPACE Scalexio HiL systems using CTICLI server in ConfigurationDesk (minimum supported dSPACE release: 2020-B including firmware update and Hypervisor patch)
  2. added support for SimWB 2020.2 and 2021.1
  3. added support to run FTire/core in combination with CarMaker on SimWB


  1. new rgr type ‚canvas‘ introduced, to create skid marks and simulate soft soil without need to specify a dummy rgr file even if surface is flat
  2. rgr files can be opened in cosin/ip without any extra preparation, to plot center-line related channels


  1. cosin/mbs prepared for skid marks output in animation window, using respective FTire feature


  1. plot kind ‚histogram‘ added to cosin/ip
  2. new command line option -nopng to unconditionally suppress png-file generation in cosin/ip and other applications
  3. file/signal coloring selection in cosin/ip made automatic
  4. accelerated GUI build-up
  5. made sure grid road visualization in record file replay shows correct track in case of two-track roads
  6. emulated version written to mtl/mtb headers
  7. improved file info output in cosin/ip, including comment lines from mtl/mtb files

cosin/tools for tires

  1. made sure fingerprints for tires in higher speed modes are complete
  2. allow sidewall texture files to be saved in and shown by ogl files

cosin/tools for roads

  1. new feature in automatic road visualization for rgr with center-line: ‚patch‘, showing an optimized view of a slider-controlled small patch (2×2 m) with highest available resolution
  2. rgr grid size output takes into account any origin shift
  3. improved default 2D PSD function formula for rgr generation, making sure roads show waviness near 2 along 1D cuts

cosin/tools for Matlab

  1. two simultaneous contact stress plots can be shown for comparison purposes in Matlab

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. new CTI function ctiRGRCanvasGeometry


  1. TYDEX axis system documentation extended
  2. rgr road type documentation updated
  3. operating conditions chapter in FTire/model chapter updated

cosin software 2021-2 release notes


  1. new save location of temporary files implemented, based on process id of calling cosin application, reducing risk of interference between several application instances running in parallel
  2. havsin function evaluation in arithmetic expressions fixed

cosin GUI

  1. occasionally annoying command window resizing and moving suppressed in Windows
  2. added ‚cancel‘ selection to file selection’s preferred location menu
  3. ‚recently opened files of searched type‘ added to preferred locations menu in case of ‚define existing file for open‘
  4. checks added to file selection GUI if or if not new files/folders can be generated
  5. DOE slider display improved in all cosin application GUIs


  1. fix: pre-processing of incompletely defined cross section spline data, did not work in certain rare cases
  2. rim torsional stiffness activated in simplified flexible rim model
  3. numerics in case of bottoming cases with extremely large contact forces made more robust
  4. making sure geometry item ‚belt layer thickness‘, if given, is taken into account even with higher speed modes
  5. writing data item ‚emulated version‘ instead of ‚compatibility date‘ to tire data files (does not affect validity of older data files)
  6. geo file output improved (still downward compatible upon request in output selection menu)


  1. optional PI controller for drum velocity during cleat tests introduced
  2. improved type-specific activation/deactivation of measurements in GUI


  1. default FTire/sim output file prefix changed to _last_run
  2. new button in FTire/sim GUI to select search folder for sim script / tire / road / qc data files simultaneously
  3. brush-up FTire/sim GUI


  1. fix: potential round-off error-caused array bound violation in standard rgr evaluation
  2. made sure rgr roads with center-line but without grid data undergo fastest possible evaluation in RT mode


  1. new feature ‚ysep‘ introduced in cosin/ip, to separate nearly equal curves for better visibility
  2. made sure rec-file reader can handle certain faulty rec-files without crashing

cosin/tools for tires

  1. buttons polish.. und discard.. moved to icon line
  2. characteristics plot type ‚torsion‘ fixed
  3. made sure all linked files are transferred to database folder when creating the database structure

cosin/tools for roads

  1. improved crg -> rgr export:
    • check if crg file contains modifiers
    • new selection to save w/o modifiers applied, with modifiers applied, or both
    • rgr file name marked with postfix denoting if or if not modifiers had been applied
    • improved and more intuitive selection of center-line section bounds (if any) to be exported
    • made sure correct crg/rgr comparison is performed after rgr export
  2. added new function which reformats any rgr-equivalent road data file(s) into a single binary rgr file
  3. made sure center-line is included when writing rgr-file if input-file contained one
  4. make sure rgr center-line banking is taken into account in CAD file generation
  5. new rgr creation feature including center-line on basis of driven course as saved in a plot file implemented

cosin/tools for Matlab

  1. Matlab scripts for cfo-file postprocessing added

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. fix: plot output of local step size in case of step-size control in CTI
  2. made FTire data files in cosin/io format accepted by Adams and vi-CarRealTime
  3. cti file wrapper implemented, to enable usage of cti files rather than tir files in Adams, vi-CarRealTime, and Simpack


  1. new FTire/rim User Guide

cosin software 2021-1 release notes


  1. support is discontinued for macOS (32 bit), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32 and 64 bit), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (32 bit) and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (32 bit)
  2. new functions ‘ssin’, ‘scos’, ‘fishhook’, and ‘dwellsin’ (’single sine/cosine cycle‘, ‚fishhook‘, ’sine with dwell‘) available in all arithmetic functions throughout all cosin applications
  3. new plot-file format ‚tydex‘
  4. new license option ‚certified‘

cosin GUI

  1. new optional file location proposals menu, shown prior to file or folder selection throughout all cosin GUIs
  2. improved formatting and placement of small transient info windows
  3. configuration file management for all cosin GUIs improved, to avoid conflicts when several cosin applications are opened simultaneously
  4. optional OS-specific file selection introduced in macOS and Linux, replacing equiva-lent but antiquated Tcl/Tk X11-based windows


  1. fix: selection of road attribute display in animation window
  2. fix: made sure ‚discard PP data‘ also works for RT data
  3. tire surface coloring enabled for all speed modes if in diagnosis mode
  4. new feature to activate only certain groups of output signals
  5. improved side wall stretching computation at lateral displacement (put under ‚emu-lated version‘ control)


  1. made sure output diagnosis mode is observed in non-CTI-driven simulations
  2. default value of center-line position added


  1. fix: typo in RMAX simulation script
  2. removed unloading part from CVERT measurements identification, since no useful information is contained herein due to fast unloading
  3. specification of delay times in all statics and steady-state simulation scripts unified
  4. made sure ‚gravity rotation‘ works for cleat tests (in case wheel runs on vertical side of drum)
  5. adjustable rim rotation angle in footprint identification introduced, to exactly match measurement in case of non-trivial tread pattern
  6. wizard for generating a new project completely revised and made more user-friendly


  1. fix: made sure CTI environment is closed properly after each simulation run and un-der all circumstances


  1. fix: proper closing of vi-CarRealTime ‘vrcompute’ method
  2. fix: right/left road track visualization issue
  3. fix: made sure the array-based rgr evaluation works well with CTI state save/restore
  4. array-based road evaluation made available for all 3rd-party solvers
  5. rgr shift/rotate values (as read in data file) now properly inserted in GUI entry fields
  6. made sure pseudo rgr files (center-lines w/o rgr grid) are treated properly in GUIs and FTire/hil
  7. randomly placed obstacles and image now also available in rgr generation, not only in modification
  8. new 32-byte encryption key for rgr roads


  1. FTire invocation and control from cosin/mbs models improved
  2. G display added to cosin/mbs dashboard


  1. file filter added to cosin/ip GUI
  2. redesign and improved folder selection in cosin/ip GUI
  3. zoom in / zoom out in cosin/ip PSD mode enabled

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: GUI specifying road license key made work properly
  2. fix: rgr output in ascii format
  3. made sure accuracy of crg -> rgr export is always shown in GUI
  4. new function to partially export crg -> rgr
  5. histogram analysis output for rgr roads introduced
  6. center-line thumbnail plot added to GUI

cosin/tools for tires

  1. modal analysis GUI reformatted
  2. new simplified and fast computation of statics, steady-state, and handling charac-teristics added to GUI and CL; output both as diagram and minimalistic Ascii file for further processing in 3rd-party analysis software
  3. DOE parameter selection in characteristics plot generalized
  4. output of TYDEX files added to characteristics plots
  5. user-definable sampling rate introduced in characteristics plot

cosin/tools for Matlab

  1. added center-line output to writergr.m

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. fix: speed mode issue in vi-CarRealTime environment
  2. the following CTI functions are marked deprecated:
    • ctiAnimateSceneWithExtRoad
    • ctiComputeForcesTimeContinuousWithExtRoad
    • ctiComputeForcesWithExtRoad
    • ctiComputeForcesWithExtRoadList
    • ctiComputeForcesWithExtRoadMT
  3. new CTI function ctiSetURGM to set a user-defined road grid model callback and dependent parameter structure
  4. new CTI call mode MCOSM=4 for improved stabilization of parallel co-simulation with vehicle model, using the linearized stiffness matrix to predict Jacobian of forc-es/moments in next time step


  1. chapter ‚FTire model‘ updated with new features and data
  2. new functions ssin, scos, fishhook, and dwellsin added to cosin/io chapter

cosin software 2020-4 release notes


  1. fix: rare possibility for a hard crash in FTire’s core linear algebra solver
  2. fix: computation of relaxation lengths in tire data file info output
  3. fix: segment displacement by inflation pressure taken into account in maximum displacement signal
  4. superfluous ‚lateral stiffness on cleat‘ computation removed from general properties computations
  5. statics computations accelerated by parallelization
  6. improved accuracy of TYDEX W moments computation at high speed
  7. improved accuracy of TPMS signals output at high speed
  8. added new motorcycle example data files: motorcycle_120_70R17_58W.tir and motorcycle_180_55R17_73W.tir
  9. parallelized pre-processing introduced, considerably speeding up pre-processing
  10. redesign and parallelization of the statics/dynamics part of basic data reconstruction from pre-processed data
  11. list of essential and unused data items from tire data file added to message output
  12. count of dynamics steps added to count of statics steps in pre-processing message output
  13. improved statics computation stability by activating belt lateral bending damping if required
  14. made sure ogl file creation does not necessarily activate animation window


  1. fix: made sure multi-threading of pre-processing does not interfere with multi-threading of several simulation runs
  2. fix: animation model of accelerated rotating drum
  3. made sure wheel is completely locked if slip forcedly is set to zero at zero forward rolling speed


  1. fix: simulation scripts modified to make wheel load controller work properly in demo project
  2. check-in questions made more user-friendly, by combining visualization plot and respective question into one yes/no window
  3. redesign/-implementation of rms-value computation for statics and steady-state cases
  4. new selection in report generation to create a fully anonymized report


  1. added support for QNX based dSPACE Scalexio HiL systems using CTICLI server in ConfigurationDesk (minimum supported dSPACE release: 2018-B)


  1. fix: correct move forward in road data file for hydro-pulse TZ_DATA
  2. new array-based rgr evaluation technology, to enable relatively slow 3rd-party road evaluations for usage in hard real-time application


  1. added support for ogl file replay for files greater than 2GB
  2. ogl player enabled to show single tires only
  3. ascii mtl file loading accelerated

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: rgr z-value scaling on rotating drum (‚method 2D‘ of rdf-files)
  2. fix: proper action of modify rgr grid button in case of integrated center line
  3. fix: made sure huge rgr files are written correctly
  4. added missing entry fields for rgu files (rgr update files) in GUI
  5. made sure same rgr file is not created multiple times

cosin/tools for tires

  1. fix: reading of record file if road parameter tokens are sent in wrong order by calling 3rd-party solver
  2. fix: friction plotting routine
  3. fix: mode shape animation in case some degrees of freedom are exactly 0
  4. fix: usage of pressure and tread depth sliders in interactive simulation
  5. steady-state computation on flat road by simulating a flat-trac test-rig rather than moving the rim, for improved accuracy of surface geometry output
  6. redesign of tire property alternatives management in GUI
  7. fingerprint report improved
  8. strongly improved robustness of stead-state computations by better wheel load controller adaptation and improved stability assessment algorithm
  9. new buttons/icons in GUI to determine/replace missing or unused properties

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. fix: made sure maximum of all speed modes as defined by call to ctiSetRunTimeMode() and by respective settings in all tire data files is used for all cti tire instances
  2. ctiSetServer marked as deprecated
  3. rec-files written within Adams reduced in size to only 25% of previous size
  4. special TYDEX signal subset introduced for use with Scalexio systems
  5. added new cti function ctiConnectToServer to allow CTI be called in gateway mode where all further CTI functions are piped through corresponding cticli functions. It works with CTI server running in TCP and UDP protocol. ctiConnectToServer supersedes ctiSetServer
  6. added new cti function ctiComputeForcesWithOutputArrayList to compute forces, torques, and TYDEX outputs of a list of FTire instances


  1. chapter for installation folder handling added
  2. rgr road documentation updated

cosin software 2020-3 release notes

cosin GUI

  1. made sure GUI shows respective buttons if ftire_adams license key is available


  1. fix: colors in contact patch display at tire
  2. fix: if tir-file contained spline data for temperature dependency, pre-processed data properly reflect this now
  3. fix: output sequence of nodes in cfo-files
  4. fix: curvature computation in rim-fixed TPMS sensor
  5. short non-editable tir-files introduced; basic data given only inside coded PA array
  6. error message for unsupported compatibility date introduced
  7. ’show footprint from above‘ added to animation window selection menu
  8. enhanced slider display in animation window
  9. made sure animation time control is taken from animation settings file if this has priority over tir-file
  10. visualization of LTI matrix structures and sparsity patterns improved and activated
  11. new selectable positions of TPMS sensor: left/right rim flange
  12. ‚earthmover/OTR‘ added to tire kinds set


  1. quarter car model stabilized to run even with numerical time delay
  2. avoid loading same road data files twice in FTire/sim


  1. fix: potential Matlab crash when tir-file is non-existent


  1. added support for SimWB 2019.3-3 and 2020.1-1
  2. redesign of SimWB coupling: FTire/core SimWB models use now multi RTDB mechanism to couple FTire/core with any other model easily via model 2 model communication within SimWB (requires minimum SimWB version 2018.2)


  1. made sure center-line files with multiple linked rgr files load all rgr files when needed
  2. automatic recognition if display grid is too large for center-line road to give unambiguous projection
  3. improved combination of rgr files implemented, including proper combination of attributes including friction factor and soft-soil definition
  4. making sure all kinds of rotation of rgr files does not affect rgr combination; combined rgr files are centered
  5. make sure all optional road transformations are observed in all automatic rgr animation models
  6. made sure road evaluation count works in all speed modes


  1. improved GUI and animation window layout


  1. write correct units for all supported unit systems in cosin/tools GUI
  2. new if/elseif/else/endif construct available in cosin/ip scripts
  3. definition of alternative signal names introduced in cosin/ip
  4. new button in launchpad for simplified access to FTire database

cosin/tools for tires

  1. FTire demo model made up: side-wall texture and grooves added to animation
  2. confusing progress bars during fingerprint generation no longer shown
  3. tire surface gray scale made selectable in animation settings GUI
  4. made sure soil.tir and tread_pattern.tir provide finger-print w/o warning
  5. FETire/static GUI redesigned
  6. formula treatment in GUI fixed
  7. show all errors and warnings in fingerprint log file in case fingerprint computation failed
  8. tire construction selection redesigned in GUI; all construction types can now be selected with a drop-down menu
  9. all example tir-files updated and reformatted
  10. all FTire-related multithreading functions simplified and unified
  11. parallelized FTire/statics and FTire/steady-state evaluation implemented, generating tremendous speed-up of properties calculation

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: configurable 3D plot of closed center-lines
  2. GUI redesigned
  3. attribute indices in road builder now definable via image, similar to height value
  4. improvements in RGR road builder:
    • new thumbnail images in GUI
    • random multiple placement in ‚add‘ mode (works for all kinds of height and attribute definition)
    • when rgr data are defined with images: determination of up to 5 dominant colors and optional assignment of height/attribute values to these colors
  5. made sure road rotation etc. in road builder is effective if imported road provides data
  6. in road builder, indexed data are kept now when center-line is added in all 3 modes: generate/reformat/resample

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. added ‘private data folder’ as item = 6 to ctiGetInstallationInfo

CRI (cosin road interface)

  1. added ‘private data folder’ as item = 6 to criGetInstallationInfo


  1. fix: changes in license setting are not always effective in simultaneously opened/operated other cosin GUIs
  2. made sure tir-file speed mode can be changed with classroom license


  1. fix: incorrect bso/rfo output descriptions
  2. new/updated FTire/HiLAC documentation
  3. updated FTire/sim documentation
  4. fixed parameter lists of cticliLoadRimData, cticliLoadRoadData, cticliLoadSuspensionData, cticliLoadTireData and cticliGetServerStats

cosin software 2020-2 release notes


  1. fix: made sure sidewall geometry is correctly pre-processed (wrt sorting of nodes) even for extreme tire sizes
  2. polynomial smoothing of cross section geometry data now applies also to carcass contour data
  3. recognition of mirroring necessity of contour data made more robust
  4. made sure convergence fail in FTire initialization throws a correct warning
  5. more accurate high precision contact calculation
  6. new misuse model: belt puncturing and consecutive air mass/pressure loss through extremely sharp obstacles
  7. new misuse treatments ‚tire puncture‘ and ‚tire bead slipping off rim seat‘ activated in all real-time levels
  8. optional simplified bottoming model (using center emergency ring) for real-time applications


  1. fix: FE results import in case of global coordinate system
  2. fix: made sure score values are saved correctly even if not all FE result cases are activated
  3. 1D parameter variation in Global Scanning optimizer fixed
  4. rectangular portion of belt to be used in FE cases identification made configurable in FTire/fit settings
  5. new selection: in FE result cases, compare only vertical component of displacement vs. compare full spatial displacement of nodes
  6. generalization of identifiable parameter specification and parameter dependencies in FE result case identification
  7. ‚what if‘ function improved: shows FTire parameters that will be modified with test result import, as well as inflation pressure case
  8. detailed sensitivity study (button ’sens.‘) added to GUI, tab ‘FE result cases’
  9. improved run-time error handling
  10. x/y/z displacements made individually selectable in tab ‘FE result cases’ validation/identification
  11. avoiding unnecessary pop-up of statics animation window in FTire/fit steady-state simulations
  12. footprint adjustment wrt grooves added to footprint validation/identification
  13. kind of footprint evaluation (with/without pressure distribution) now saved as part of project settings


  1. type of displayed roads in FTire/sim GUI made selectable by drop-down menu


  1. fix: made sure no wrong ‘emulated cosin version’ is set if cri functions are called w/o loading a tire data file
  2. fix: scaling corrected in road profile generator for ISO road classes (original version might have created too small amplitudes). Fix can be deactivated for downward compatibility via ‘emulated cosin version’
  3. consolidation: obsolete cosin evaluation of crg roads removed
  4. new road type: dynamic height array import from viCarRealTime


  1. single-step mode in ogl file player improved
  2. ogl file player equipped with slider control (similar to most movie players)
  3. small drop-down menus in all GUIs made better readable

cosin/tools for tires

  1. reorganization of parameter groups in edit menu; new group button ‘misuse / damage’
  2. all tire data example files equipped with meaningful rim-to-road contact stiffness data

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fixes in image-based rgr generation
  2. fixes in ‘add data’ functionality for rgr roads
  3. optional low/high pass filter added for all kinds of data to be added to an existing rgr
  4. rgr export for arbitrary road formats from within 3rd-party environments added
  5. made sure road tool preferences are reset to default if new road is loaded in GUI
  6. made sure new rgr grid size & resolution is not overwritten if new height data source is specified in rgr builder
  7. homogenization and simplification of road attribute specification in all kinds of road visualization
  8. more new features for rgr road visualization

cosin/tools for MatlabTM

  1. new M-script to visualize fer modal files

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. fix: reading animation settings from cti-file might have returned wrong file names for animation-related files
  2. fix: ogl file issues, as reported by MSC for Adams Post-Processor
  3. execution time of certain auxiliary cti functions reduced
  4. new API function ctiGetRoadProperties() to query current road properties
  5. assure record-file mode is set correctly for all ways to set multi-threaded call flag

CRI (cosin road interface)

  1. new API function criGetRoadProperties() to query current road properties

cosin software 2020-1 release notes


  1. added support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (32 and 64 bit)


  1. object picking in animation window fixed

cosin GUI

  1. improved initial placement of all GUI windows


  1. fix: wrong error message when loading incomplete tir-files
  2. fix: animation window lighting
  3. fix: menu selection in animation settings GUI for tire surface and rim coloring made work properly
  4. fix: valid parameter save in case of interactive changes in animation window
  5. new relief-type animation model of contact patch states
  6. detailed wear-based gray-scale skid mark visualization in animation window
  7. reorganization, simplification, homogenization of color scales display in animation window
  8. on-line mouse-controlled repositioning and resizing of all widgets in animation window
  9. friction characteristic with up to seven different sliding velocity values introduced
  10. new parameters ‚belt shortening due to radial deflection‘ and ‚high precision contact computation‘ introduced, both adding increased accuracy in load-dependent rolling circumference results


  1. fix: statics computations on cleat (FE result cases), which sometimes failed due to wrong bound in cleat contact recognition
  2. fix: message window hide/show functionality in GUI
  3. improvements of FE-based identification: complete extraction of all relevant direct FTire data as far as contained if a FE result file
  4. ‚what if‘ check made available for all measurement files in FTire/fit, no matter if they are already checked in
  5. green id button for single measurement added for individual FE result cases
  6. animation enabled in FE result case computations
  7. plausibility check added to FE result case validation / identification
  8. buttons in history pane of GUI reorganized
  9. alternative wheel load controller arithmetic expressions (using for example pid(.)) made definable by user in footprint cases and cleat tests
  10. footprint image sizes in report fixed
  11. project selection button added to GUI
  12. help buttons added to road data input GUI
  13. missing as well as unused data items for cosin/io-type roads (cleats etc.) shown in cleat browser


  1. fix: message window hide/show functionality in GUI
  2. FTire/sim run script continues to work now even if FTire/sim GUI has been closed (as do all other applications)
  3. avoided endless loop while waiting for animation window to terminate


  1. fix: Read-In mechanism for Simulation Workbench’s Initial Conditions ensures correct handling of potentially not terminated strings in the RTDB.


  1. fix: scaling corrected in road profile generator for ISO road classes. Original version created slightly too small amplitudes. Fix made switchable via compatibility date
  2. improved drum animation model
  3. new memory management implemented for 3D and TeimOrbit type roads, allowing now as many different road data files as number of tire instances, at minimum memory amount
  4. misleading warnings while internally reallocating arrays in triangulated road evaluation removed
  5. improved error message if available plot memory is too small
  6. new rgr header item ‚zextr=z‘ introduced, defining a z-value to be used outside definition rectangle either for x- or y-direction or both, if respective extrapolation type is set to 3
  7. rgr generator fixed to make sure rgr files are resampled correctly even far away from centerline
  8. FTire fingerprint made available whenever cosin/tools for tires is licensed


  1. fix: made sure all occurrences of ‚%%‘ in mtx-files are treated correctly in cosin/ip

cosin/tools for tires

  1. made sure rim data file can be opened from cosin/tools for tires GUI even if not a detailed one
  2. unrestricted support for increased number of sliding friction data points in GUI
  3. both ‚pp‘ and ‚RT?‘ buttons now open a message window if pre-processing is to be performed, in order to better inform user if button does not react immediately

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. made sure record-file mode is set correctly for all ways to set multi-threaded call flag
  2. new cti function ctiQuarterCar, as extension to ctiFollowRoad:
    • wheel height controlled through simple quarter-car model
    • allowing both forced wheel rotation, or free rolling or driven wheel
    • allowing sources & sinks expressions for toe angle / camber angle / static wheel load / velocity along center-line / drive torque etc.
    • featuring fully non-linear quarter-car model, including
      • spline-based characteristics of suspension spring (containing pre-load and bump- and rebound stop), shock absorber, and shock absorber bearing stiffness
      • damper friction
      • gas force


  1. fix: non-functional default wav-file replaced by functional one in distribution package

cosin software 2019-4 release notes


  1. fix: in sources & sinks API, conditional statements containing a ‚*‘ in condition expression did not always work properly
  2. fix: accidental suppression of file statistics output under certain circumstances
  3. fix: computation of periodic splines with only 2 data points
  4. updated error message in case of non-existing license
  5. png-file creation and output accelerated
  6. size of signal labels in sources & sinks API increased to 256 characters
  7. HTire model evaluation equipped with more robust road tangential plane differentiation step size (default 100 mm instead of 50 mm)

cosin GUI

  1. clean exit for file selector cancel button added to all GUIs under all circumstances


  1. fix: made sure sidewall texture mode ‚auto‘ is properly saved in tir and ase files
  2. fix: made sure cross section nodes are properly sorted even if belt line is very wavy
  3. fix: potential crash in output contact computation if tire is lying flat on ground
  4. fix: wrong error messages when loading incomplete tir-files
  5. general arithmetic expressions now allowed for tread pattern description
  6. like in cti-files, operating conditions can be defined now directly in tir-file as sources & sinks signals, in a much more general way as the previous table-based way (which is still accepted yet)
  7. new optional parameter ‚tread_discretization_type‘ added to tir-file, see documentation for more
  8. optional high precision road tangent plane computation in accelerated and RT mode for RGR roads introduced, providing even more accurate peak loads on very rough roads
  9. example tire data file including tread pattern image added to distribution package
  10. unification and redesign of long/short file name conversions of linked files in tir-file
  11. optional sha1 check added for linked files in tir-file, to make sure file contents has not changed
  12. unified new search order for linked files with short file name in tir-file:
    • <dirname-tir-file>/xxx.yyy
    • <cosin-private-data-folder>/xxx.yyy (or respective sub-directory, depending on file type)
    • <cosin-installation-directory>/xxx.yyy (or respective sub-directory, depending on file type)
    • <current-working-directory>/xxx.yyy
  13. footprint plots in animation window made selectable for individual tires
  14. stability check during simulation runs improved
  15. improved error message for linked files with differing contents
  16. new animation settings selection ‚plot_bg_opaquness‘ for footprint contour plots and running diagrams
  17. force scaling settings in animation window made more consistent
  18. rolling circumference value equipped with weight to make it selectable for identification during pre-processing
  19. optional belt and inner line contour line introduced in tir-files
  20. completed ETRTO string with ‚intended use‘ and dual tire load index combination, including conversion between string and respective FTire parameters
  21. avoiding repeated animation of steady-state initializations even in verbose mode
  22. new optional feature ’shadow on road‘ added to animation window, made selectable in animation window menu
  23. new footprint contour plot mode ‚relief‘


  1. fix: optional footprint rotation for automatic detection of groove geometry
  2. grooves identification from footprints improved
  3. superfluous extra margin in generated footprint images removed
  4. re-design of fer file format and respective check-in routines; see documentation for more
  5. checking in a geometry-type fer-file now automatically deactivates rolling circumference identification
  6. GUI initialization speed up
  7. improved input of generalized cross section layer geometry from fer-file of type geometry
  8. improved recognition of meaningful friction cases during check-in
  9. new image format selection (png/bmp) and on-the-fly change of this selection (png format preferred; bmp format still supported if older FTire/fit versions are in parallel use)


  1. made sure modified output file name prefix is used also for log file
  2. new selection added to GUI if default operating conditions are to be read from tir-file
  3. tire side made selectable
  4. new/updated simulation scripts:
    • free_wheel.sim/.qc: falling wheel, 6 d.o.f
    • bounce.sim/.qc: bouncing wheel, 1 d.o.f. purely vertical


  1. fix: Simulink example model ‚drum‘


  1. fix: handling for potential cache warm up cycles in FTire RTSA for Simulation Workbench


  1. fix: potential crash during output of total mass geometry
  2. avoiding both cosin/mbs and FTire create the same scopes in the same animation window


  1. fix: animation settings preview button made work under all circumstances
  2. fix: potentially annoying camera move in ogl files replay
  3. new ‚camera‘ tab in animation settings GUI
  4. more convenient specification of surface node numbers in animation settings GUI
  5. size of CAD structures which are loadable in CAD browser increased
  6. new general 2d contour plot for use in different kinds of visualization
  7. avoid flickering windows when opening cosin/ip
  8. allow to select (and then load) more than one plot file at a time in respective post-processor file selector box
  9. print button added to cosin/ip GUI
  10. redesign cosin/player GUI; new spatial and timely shifts added

cosin/tools for tires

  1. groove visualization added to GUI
  2. specified but non-existing files in ‚linked files‘ menu are shown in red
  3. simple parameterized center-lines added to road builder
  4. GUI simplified: version control button made obsolete and removed; ‚emulated‘ cosin version selection moved to top menu
  5. extra ‚open in ascii editor‘ button removed from cosin/tools for tires GUI; this function is available in icon line
  6. all display/show/info actions automatically trigger now a virtual ‚apply‘ button hit, to make all current changes immediately effective
  7. cross section plots enhanced by displaying un-inflated, pseudo-inflated, and inflated state, as well as complete inner-liner surface if available
  8. FTire/estimate GUI improved:
    • conversion formula mm ⇔ revs/mile added
    • new link to, providing available sizes, mass, and rolling circumference for many tire brands
    • disclaimer added as tooltip for external links
  9. accelerated rim graphics viewer
  10. automatic recognition in tire size string of metric / imperial notation; format is remembered in cosin/tools for tires from input to output and made selectable in FTire/estimate
  11. allowed partial loading of erroneous data files
  12. appropriate error message if tread pattern image does not exist
  13. new comprehensive rolling circumference analysis tool
  14. spline specification/display fixed and harmonized

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: selected road resolution in configurable 3d plot
  2. all new GUI, including far-reaching rgr road builder GUI redesign
  3. in road builder, center-line position and orientation can be selected during generation w/o extra entry in rgr header
  4. crg to rgr export separated from rgr generation
  5. improvements in color management of road visualization
  6. made sure all road formats are listed in ‚open road‘ dialogue

cosin/tools for Matlab

  1. unified formatting of all m-files in distribution package

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. fix: potential reload crash in animation GUI (Windows only) if a process loads at least two different CTI shared libraries consecutively
  2. added the new function ctiWriteCustomizedTireData, which writes a customized tire data file after replacing some or all file references. This new function does not require CTI to be initialized
  3. added support for SimWB versions 2019.1 and 2019.2
  4. made sure *all* calls to ctiComputeForces are logged in the rec file, even if no step is actually performed
  5. welcome text for certain 3rd-party solvers updated

CTI/client (client side of TCP- or UDP-based remote CTI execution)

  1. enabled TCP mode for cticliComputeForcesWithOutputArrayList

CTI/server (server side of TCP- or UDP-based remote CTI execution)

  1. added ASM interface support for RedHawk

CRI (cosin road interface)

  1. added new functions:
    • criSetTireSide to set tire side
    • criUpdateRoadData to update RGR road data in case of soft soil deformation


  1. FTire/link documentation redesigned and updated
  2. documentation of ctiG(S)etRoadParameters completed and improved
  3. fer file format documentation updated

cosin software 2019-3 release notes


  1. fix: formula parser made correctly work with certain exotic expressions like etc.
  2. renamed file .cosingl to cosingl.mat and file .cosinip to cosinip.txt, both installed in folder ‘share’
  3. arbitrarily many files allowed in file statistics output
  4. made sure licenses are returned if any program run is stopped with abort button

cosin GUI

  1. GUI formatting in retina display resolution under Windows improved
  2. accelerated launchpad loading and better comments if no license is available
  3. new, less annoying info window indicating wait for license check (only pops up if wait has been longer than 0.5 s, shows how long license is waited for until giving up, and closes automatically after 100 s)
  4. license check info window improved: abort button leads back to license specification window
  5. unlicensed cosin applications are shown now with greyed button in launchpad, together with respective tooltip
  6. nasty repeatedly asking omitted if private working directory is to be renewed after version change


  1. fix: computation of velocity and acceleration values in surface geometry output during first integration step
  2. fix: use of correct material data in obj files for FTire and cosin/mbs animation
  3. new data item ‚residual_radial_stiff_perc‘ introduced for more accurate simulation of flat tire
  4. loading of rim data file and rim model library made consistent and better documented
  5. simplified and unified scaling of footprints in animation window
  6. potentially specified non-zero wheel offset (ET) is visualized now by split rim, if no CAD model is given
  7. optionally large font in animation window footprint legend
  8. scopes in animation window have selectable curve color
  9. unnecessary output signal ‚tread depth‘ removed if wear model is active
  10. general arithmetic expressions now allowed for tread pattern description
  11. more general specification of operating conditions (based on conditional arithmetic expressions similar to input signals in FTire/sim) can be defined now directly in tir file, w/o use of extra cti file


  1. fix: deleting history items in FTire/fit in case of not all items shown
  2. fix: potential fail of multiple parallel footprint validations in Windows
  3. wheel load controller in footprint identification and validation made more robust
  4. initial wheel load controller gain in footprint identification and validation made accessible via settings now
  5. automated ground pressure distribution (given by colored footprint images) check-in and identification added
  6. made sure all footprint images in report have same scaling
  7. color coincidence threshold can now be chosen during image check-in
  8. improved visualization of processed footprint images in check-in GUI
  9. new check-in settings selection ‚cautious autofill‘ (if not set, it allows to insert parameter definitions in the menu from a measurement file name even if file name is not fully compliant with all rules, like necessary indication of measurement type by respective keyword)
  10. speed-up of demo project generation: single image check-in won’t need an extra license
  11. image auto-crop function improved
  12. footprints are auto-cropped now prior to interactive comparison, to facilitate placement near window border
  13. footprint auto-placement for colored footprints improved in interactive comparison


  1. abort through ctrl-c for parallel FTire/sim runs enabled
  2. made sure modified output prefix is used for log file as well
  3. new selection in GUI if default operating conditions are to be read from tir-file


  1. fix: made sure Matlab won’t hang if license check fails
  2. update blockset to be compliant with Matlab version 2015a and newer
  3. animation time step removed from Simulink MT blocks parameter menu
  4. improvements in blockset and Simulink example models:
    • redesign and new graphical layout
    • mdl -> slx
    • new blocks with different combinations of input and output connectors
    • new connectors for multi-threaded blocks to provide operating conditions: pressure, tread depth, temperature
  5. new Simulink block to open and show most recent message file
  6. automatic version adaptation in cosin setup function for Matlab
  7. arbitrary and configurable plot signal output enabled in various blocks
  8. FTire/link appears now in Simulink library selection menu
  9. made new blockset downward compatible to older Simulink models, by introducing a fully compatible ‚legacy‘ blockset version which calls latest CTI library anyway
  10. made ‚open‘ and ‚…‘ buttons in all Simulink block masks work on all platforms


  1. fix: road type tilt_table evaluation made more accurate
  2. fix: made sure encrypted OpenCRG files won’t lead to a crash in cosin applications and CTI environments under any circumstances
  3. fix: unexpected NaN in RGR data cleanly caught by error message
  4. set default crg road evaluation method to ‘OpenCRG’ (previous method was: ‘cosin evaluation; calibrated with OpenCRG’). Due to severe uncertainties in OpenCRG documentation, cosin evaluation will be set to ‘deprecated’ in future cosin versions, and OpenCRG library to be used must be explicitly specified
  5. z limits optionally provided in RGR header, avoiding time consuming determination at loading time
  6. new optional keyword ‘nonan’ in RGR header, allows to skip NaN test for accelerated file loading (rgr files generated by cosin/tools will never contain NaN’s)
  7. updated cosin/io road type plank/cleat to reflect correct bevel_edge_length and edge_rounded input variable names (was cleat_bevel_edge_length and cleat_edge_rounded before)
  8. decryption of uncompressed RGR files accelerated
  9. encryption of RGR data including center-line data enabled
  10. speed-up of compressed RGR file loading


  1. new parameter ’side‘ added to TI element
  2. optional road center-line added to animation scene


  1. standard viewpoints added to CAD file browser

cosin/tools for tires

  1. new GUI for convenient tire data base evaluation, including all kinds of sort and parameter selection menu
  2. arithmetic expressions made available in main stiffness window of edit tab
  3. functions ctiReadOperatingConditions and ctiGetContactBodyForces supported now in cti/replay
  4. made sure message window is shown in cti/replay
  5. new shortcut function: ‘show tire in animation window’ added
  6. tread depth added to FTire/estimate GUI
  7. full support of gray scale footprints in static and steady-state analysis
  8. new layout of friction data window, using sliders and including visualization of actually chosen values through bar charts
  9. new function in edit tab, showing all linked files of a tir file concentrated in one place
  10. improved MF2002 export
  11. added more comments to MF2002 export report
  12. improved computation of operating condition-dependent dynamic rolling radius

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: made sure zero grid line distance in road visualization does not cause a crash
  2. center-line visualization improved
  3. made sure all road tools set and use compatibility date correctly, even if FTire is not loaded

cosin/tools for Matlab™

  1. fix: M-files for footprint states (gpo-files) visualization revised
  2. unified formatting of all provided M-files


  1. always use first plot signal in dynamic arithmetic expressions as independent ‚time‘ signal, rather than the current x-axis signal
  2. made sure dynamic time-dependent arithmetic expression (like pt1, int, etc.) can be used both for x- and y-signal
  3. plot signal labels containing characters that might interfere with arithmetic expressions (like -, +, (, ) etc.) can be used now in arithmetic expressions if enclosed in {}, like: pt1({side force (C-axis)},0.1)
  4. commas in plot signal arithmetic expressions no longer need to be preceded by ; cosin/ip automatically recognizes if a comma separates plot signals or belongs to an arithmetic expression
  5. unified and generalized specification of plot signal color palettes in GUI
  6. avoid flickering windows when opening GUI

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. fix: computation of TYDEX signal ‚global tire deflection‘ during statics
  2. following functions marked deprecated:
    • ctiGetOutputSignal (replaced by ctiGetPlotSignal)
    • ctiSetPPTireDataFilename (replaced by ctiSetPPTireDataFileName)
  3. added the following new functions:
    • ctiGetPlotSignal to get a single plot signal value (replacement for deprecated ctiGetOutputSignal)
    • ctiGetPlotSignals to get all plot signal values
    • ctiGetRoadDependFiles to get list of road file dependent other files
    • ctiGetTireDependFiles to get list of tire file dependent other files
    • ctiSetTirePPDataFileName to set tire pre-processed data filename (replacement for deprecated ctiSetPPTireDataFilename).
    • ctiWritePlotSignalLabels to get number and list of plot signal labels
  4. added checks for all file name parameters:
    • validity
    • file name length doesn’t exceed internal maximum of 256 characters
  5. avoiding incomplete plot file generation in case of error exit of CTI or calling application
  6. made sure inconsistencies in input signals from calling application are recognized even in first steps
  7. loading and activation of flex-rim model enabled at any time, even if flex-rim model was not enabled at tire data loading time
  8. improved formatting of error output in 3rd-party CTI environments

CTI/client (client side of TCP- or UDP-based remote CTI execution)

  1. added the following new functions:
    • cticliGetPlotSignal to get a single plot signal value

CTI/server (server side of TCP- or UDP-based remote CTI execution)

  1. added new options:
    • plotpoints=NR to set maximum number of plot points when running in debug mode (default is 200001)
    • lockmemory to lock all pages mapped into the address space of the calling process (for linux only)

ASM Interface

  1. added support for SCALEXIO running on CentOS-7
  2. updated cpuset version to 1.5.8 (works for CentOS-7 and Ubuntu-12)


  1. search item functionality fixed on all platforms, by providing correct call to Firefox (if installed)
  2. several chapters revised and completed

cosin software 2019-2 release notes


  1. new function in arithmetic expressions: splic() = spline with constant end values

cosin GUI

  1. reorganization of cosin logo and ‚about‘ window display in cosin GUI
  2. compatibility date specification moved from cosin launchpad header to cosimulation tab


  1. fix: potential sign error in slip angle computation at very low speed
  2. bottom/front/side view with orthogonal projection made selectable by single click in FTire animation window
  3. standard view selection homogenized for all animation environments
  4. new FTire parameter: actual tire section width
  5. rim data file can be replaced several times now, even inside simulation time loop
  6. error message if rim data file is loaded before tire data file
  7. animation window improved: footprint location and color palette made selectable on the fly
  8. condition check to repeat pre-processing refined
  9. statics and steady-state animation made selectable in animation settings GUI
  10. made sure pure changes in animation settings do not trigger pre-processing update
  11. animation road grid sizes in all example files unified
  12. manufacturer, brand, and ETRTO string added to animation window
  13. made sure calls to FTire parameter input with old compatibility date do not permanently alter compatibility date saved in file
  14. removed filtering of ground pressure output values if tread pattern is specified; this will avoid non-zero ground pressure is shown in grooves and other tread pattern void
  15. wheel envelope visualization improved: maximum number of CAD nodes increased
  16. accuracy of gpo output data improved when using a tread pattern
  17. new data item ‚residual_radial_stiff_perc‘ introduced, to more accurately simulate run flat scenarios
  18. avoiding incomplete plot file generation in case of premature simulation abort
  19. tir data file name in P array made ‘not relevant’ for necessity of preprocessing
  20. deferred loading of flex-rim data enabled


  1. new real-time standalone version of FTire on Concurrent platforms
  2. added real-time demo, running on Simulation Workbench for easy-to-use real-time evaluation tests


  1. new ground pressure distribution identification in FTire/fit implemented
  2. full support of gray scale footprints in static and steady-state analysis
  3. wheel controller in footprint identification and evaluation made more robust
  4. initial wheel load controller gain in footprint identification and evaluation made accessible via settings
  5. speed mode treatment in FTire/fit fixed
  6. new button ’show history of parameter changes‘ in FTire/fit history pane


  1. added output file specification to some important example sim files
  2. fast selection of flat road added to GUI
  3. readability improvements in GUI
  4. simplified selection and editing of output settings


  1. consolidation: oldest supported Matlab/Simulink version changed to R2015a
  2. new moving road signals introduced in Simulink block-set
  3. Simulink models brushed up:
    • block name extensions changed from mdl to slx
    • new icons
    • new connectors for single and multiple tire blocks to provide and make controllable important operating conditions: pressure, tread depth, ambient temperature
    • new block-set layout


  1. fix: thread-safe loading of extremely large poly-line roads
  2. updated cosin/io road types ‚plank‘ and ‚cleat‘ to reflect correct ‚bevel_edge_length‘ and ‚edge_rounded‘ input variable


  1. new parameter ’side‘ in cosin/mbs TI element


  1. display of file names added to cosin/ip
  2. several cosin/ip usability improvements
  3. improved PSD computation in cosin/ip

cosin/tools for tires

  1. generation of FTire/fit-compatible footprints from animation window in statics and steady-state analysis
  2. made sure changes in output settings are immediately effective if autosave is active
  3. new functionality and GUI ‚tire database analysis‘ implemented
  4. user tire database selection added to GUI
  5. parameter search function and parameter classes added to database inspection GUI
  6. handling data added to tire database contents
  7. new ‚data file similarity‘ measure introduced in tire database GUI, based on RMS distance of tire key data differences
  8. arithmetic expressions made available in main stiffness window
  9. new shortcut function: ‘show tire in animation window’ added to GUI
  10. tread depth added to FTire/estimate GUI
  11. made sure message window is always shown in cti/replay

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: road encryption radio buttons made work again

cosin/tools for Matlab

  1. two new Matlab post-processors ‘air1.m’ and ‘air2.m’ for visualizing air cavity model result data added
  2. gpo file analysis scripts improved

CTI (cosin tire interface)

  1. consolidation: support for -> ctiMessage() handling discontinued
  2. new CTI function ctiGetOuputSignalLabel() to get output signal full label from number as obtained by ctiFindOutputSignalNumber()
  3. added new demo ctiRimDataDemo.c to show how to use the ctiRimDataDemo() API function
  4. new simulation control signals in cti files:
    • rtf (current real-time factor) (in)
    • recording (out)
    • suppress_output (out)
  5. replay recording made thread-safe under all circumstances
  6. made sure all changes in road transformation appear in the record file, even if recording temporarily was switched off
  7. save old output file backups with date and time in name, if overwriting is not allowed
  8. selection of low-pass filter time constant for forces added to cti files
  9. made sure log-file is backed up if file overwrite is deactivated
  10. made sure inconsistent CTI input signals are recognized even in first simulation steps
  11. loading of rim data file and rim model made consistent and better documented
  12. message formatting in 3rd-party CTI applications in warning and error case improved

CRI (cosin road interface)

  1. new CRI function criGetInstallationInfo() to get details of cosin installation


  1. completed CTI documentation of ctiLoadControlData()
  2. documentation of road type ‚function‘ completed
  3. added FTire/hil documentation for FTire real-time simulations
  4. documentation of new CTI function added

cosin software 2019-1 release notes


  1. consolidation: no more distinction between error and fatal error
  2. misleading license error messages revised
  3. warning and error messages are no longer collapsed in message output block

cosin GUI

  1. reduce cursor flickering
  2. GUI geometry formatting in Windows with retina display improved


  1. fix: computation of wheel envelope made work again for all kinds of rim motion
  2. fix: potential race condition in simulation recording in multi-threaded mode solved
  3. consolidation: very old compatibility date checks (up to and including December 2012) removed
  4. improved pre-processing convergence if only very few data are given for second inflation pressure, by swapping priority of radial stiffness progressivity with longitudinal stiffness
  5. tire surface triangulation in animation using regular triangles now w/o preferred direction
  6. optional data-block [SOURCES] or $sources in tire data files introduced, where varying operating conditions and more can be specified in most general form via sources/sinks signals even if no cti file is used
  7. improvements in animation settings:
    • sidewall coloring made selectable
    • brake disc display made selectable
    • initial background color made selectable in animation settings GUI
    • new optional background color ‚transparent‘
  8. png/tiff image format made selectable in animation settings
  9. output of ‚critical parameter sizes‘ made better readable
  10. header of bso-files made better readable, simplifying development of own evaluation tools
  11. detailed air-cavity model with quarter-car model at high speed made numerically more robust
  12. new optional obj file list output for simplified CFD and acoustics simulation coupling
  13. full support for Simpack rdf triangulation roads
  14. made negative brake torque treatment work as described in documentation
  15. message output made work on RedHawk platforms
  16. file format for continuous surface geometry output optimized
  17. parameter ‚weight_initial_radial_stifness‘ introduced
  18. graphics flickering of wildly disconnected contact patch animations reduced
  19. new output signal ‚max sinkage‘ for soft soil simulation introduced
  20. proper error handling if tread pattern file or rim data file is specified but non-existent


  1. new function to put out 2D cleat enveloping curves during cleat test
  2. new example file sample.sim for simultaneous specification of road data and sources/sinks control
  3. animation and movie generation selection improved in GUI
  4. optional rgu-file creation in FTire/sim-based soft-soil simulations introduced
  5. sim scripts may contain tire data file name now such that the sim script alone can completely define an FTire/sim run


  1. FTire table data visualization and friction model images added to FTire/fit report
  2. score indicator in FTire/fit measurement list now cleared if measurement is deactivated
  3. improved color palette for error visualization


  1. selection of road rendering color introduced
  2. improved error messages in case of road loading issues


  1. instrument panel placement in non-simulator cosin/mbs animation improved


  1. preventing message window popping up multiply under certain circumstances

cosin/tools for tires

  1. fix: made sure new spline data don’t get lost when entered in GUI
  2. fix: minor issue in new tire generation GUI
  3. consolidation of spline specification in GUI
  4. FTire steady-state analysis stability and step-size selection improved
  5. FTire table data visualization and friction model images added to fingerprint report
  6. new GUI for creation, editing, analysis, and evaluation of cti files
  7. self-tuning wheel-load controller in Pac2002 model export made more robust
  8. Pac2002 parameter identification made more robust

cosin/tools for roads

  1. fix: minor format issue in rgr to stl road data file export
  2. 2d road visualizer made interactive by providing sliders for time and scaling in graphics window
  3. unified triangulation export to all supported CAD and triangulation file formats enabled for all road types
  4. center-line export from rgr files added to GUI

cosin/tools for Matlab

  1. Matlab bso file post-processing enhanced: comparison of two bso-files in one plot added


  1. fix: made ctiWriteStatesMemory() work properly with force extrapolation
  2. fix: clean cti exit in case of fast cosimulation mode (with new automated wait for all threads to complete prior to closing cti handles)
  3. fix: avoided animation window freeze during ctiClose() if calling solver is Altair/MotionSolve
  4. consolidation: CTI functions ctiLoadSTIRoadModel() and ctiLoadSTITireModel() are marked as deprecated and are discontinued from cosin version 2019-1 onwards
  5. consolidation: direct support for outdated STI tire and road models, as well as user-defined CTI-driven tire models discontinued
  6. introduction of new file type ‚cti‘ for use as input file in all CTI environments. cti files contain, for all tire instances of a simulation model,
    • links to tire and road data files to be used
    • specification of any initial settings
    • DOE and other parameter values to be used in arithmetic expressions of all input data files
    • sources/sinks definitions of extra input signals like inflation pressure, tread depth, ambient temperature, and more
    • specification of animation settings
    • specification of post-processing actions like cosin/ip output scripts for fully automated generation of general result graphs
  7. new CTI function ctiFollowRoad() to compute the rigid-body motion of the rim such that a line parallel to the currently loaded road’s center-line is followed with constant slip and camber angle: to be used for stand-alone CTI demonstrations. The rigid-body state can be passed over to ctiComputeForces() without any further adaptation. For an example see the ctiFollowRoadDemo.c code.
  8. new CTI function ctiLoadControlData() to select and load a cti file in cosin/io format, containing CTI control info for a single tire instance
  9. new CTI function ctiLoadList() to select and load a cti file in cosin/io format, containing complete CTI control info for all tire instances of a given list. No extra calls to ctiLoadTireData(), ctiLoadRoadData(), or ctiLoadControlData() are required when using ctiLoadList().
  10. new CTI function ctiSetUPROXY() to register a user-defined proxy function of typedef UPROXY as callback function. See for an example the ctiUproxyCbDemo.c code
  11. new CTI function ctiReadStatesMemoryList() to read all state arrays from memory for a list of tire instances in multi-threaded mode
  12. made all FTire plot signals available in cti files as sources/sinks control signals
  13. made sure message window on/off selection is always effective in CTI environments
  14. CTI statistics output completed with times of state save/retrieve
  15. ensured ctiComputeForcesList() reset call resets also the force extrapolation mode to OFF
  16. generalization of output file prefixes, potentially indicating simulation run number, simulation phase number, and tire instance
  17. optionally preventing overwriting of existing output files by a respective entry in cosin cosimulation settings GUI
  18. optional link to cti file added in tir-files; for use in 3rd-party environments that do not yet directly accept cti files instead of tir files
  19. made sure output file directory is created if not existent
  20. simulation recording enabled in single-thread case if ordered by ctiRecorder(), but not in tir-file
  21. ctiRecorder() may now be called even after loading of tire data files, and will contain all file loading tokens and names though

CTIDL (CTI Dynamic Library Wrapper)

  1. new CTIDL function ctidlGetTireDataFileName() to get file name of tire data file from a cti file
  2. added HOME folder handing to ctidlGetCosinInstallFolder() for root accounts on Linux

CTI/client (client side of TCP- or UDP-based remote CTI execution)

  1. new target dir mode CTICLI_TARGETDIR_NATIVE for cticliLoad*Data() functions

CTI/server (server side of TCP- or UDP-based remote CTI execution)

  1. added –syslog option to send all messages to syslog (only for Linux)


  1. updated screenshots and inclusion of new items and menu options in many documentation chapters
  2. included previously undocumented input variables for road types drum and cleat
  3. documentation of all new CTI functions added

cosin software 2018-4 release notes

Note: this version will be the last one that allows compatibility dates prior to July 1, 2015. Beginning with 2019-1, earliest compatibility date will be 2015.07.01, and, respectively, mimicked version 2015-3.

In case you are using an earlier compatibility date or mimicked version (which only is recommended in certain unavoidable cases), please make sure your data files still run properly with mimicked version 2015-3 or later.


  1. format of resource statistics output improved
  2. made sure no more animation window pops up in current simulation when esc key was hit, but it *does* in next simulation run
  3. rapid change to predefined viewing directions introduced in animation window
  4. made sure animation window is not iconified initially
  5. PSD plot scaling now in dB/Hz
  6. extrapolation mode in spline evaluation made selectable
  7. prevent spline evaluation to report error in case of extrapolation
  8. source & sinks signal expressions may now contain =-sign, for example in comparisons using >=, <=, or ==
  9. new arithmetic expression functions measd(), measdd() (1st and 2nd derivative of measurement signal at arbitrary time), for use in FTire/sim etc.

cosin GUI

  1. specification of car-body CAD file in animation settings GUI fixed


  1. added local pressure and air flow velocity output to bso files
  2. optionally create diagnosis file for pressure and air-flow visualization using Matlab
  3. new Matlab tools for airflow visualization
  4. agricultural W, DW, TW rim contours added, cf. ETRTO
  5. new additional sidewall stiffness model added, to prevent sidewalls from being stretched
  6. added OpenAL Soft library (LGPL licensed) for tire noise output
  7. maximum angle increment in real-time mode for all example tires set to 2.5deg, to make them all run in real-time even at highest rolling speed
  8. automatic computation of contact patch states in diagnose mode added, to enable contact patch plots in cosin/mbs simulator
  9. new parameter sidewall_stretch_stiffn_factor introduced, to limit side-wall radial stretching potentially occurring with extreme camber angles
  10. optionally variable lateral bending stiffness added, including highly accurate computation of respective bending beam shape functions during pre-processing
  11. improvement of 2D imperfection plots
  12. inner liner now shown in cross section plot (if thickness is defined)
  13. increase of maximum belt bending number of degrees of freedom from 9 to 20
  14. added belt layer thickness to cross section plot
  15. elastic and plastic rim deformation added to output in bso-file, if flexrim model is activated
  16. coordinate system handling in bso output fixed:
    • for numerical reasons, bso-files are *always* rim-fixed now
    • hub-fixed and cartesian/cylindrical coordinates selection introduced during bso-file post-processing
  17. new tire surface visualization kind ‚cross sections‘ in FTire animation introduced
  18. ‚time=‘ entry in all output file formats homogenized, in order to simplify user-written post-processing algorithms
  19. cross-section plot improved: selection uninflated/inflated; selectable kind of geometry computation, and more
  20. optional command-line-based replacement of all numerical settings by default values introduced
  21. new model configuration item ‚contact elements with shearing-effective mass‘ introduced
  22. new check for pre-processing necessity, making sure that data are pre-processed if *either* version or compatibility data/version has changed
  23. made sure all tires appear in animation window
  24. more detailed air cavity output signals
  25. fix: potential sign error in air cavity reaction forces
  26. improve convergence for horizontal static displacement
  27. WLF transformation using tread rubber glass temperature added as alternative description of temperature influence on friction
  28. tread pattern is mirrored/symmetrized together with conicity and ply-steer, if necessary
  29. new output signal ‚current estimated dynamic rolling radius‘
  30. rim and brake disc size calibration fixed in animation model
  31. side-wall stretching added as optional component to animation window


  1. halt/resume plot output using SS-signal ’no_plot‘ introduced in FTire/sim
  2. speed-up of GUI opening
  3. automated mechanism to estimate current rolling radius (in case of free rolling tire), for usage in subsequent slip output signal calculation


  1. measurement recognition rules improved
  2. new selection added to settings menu: in case of multiple measurement cases with same conditions ‚ask what to do‘
  3. recognition of unsupported TYDEX labels improved
  4. minimum thread number introduced, in addition to maximum thread number
  5. made sure ‚delete‘ button in GUI doesn’t leave any garbage in contr.ftf, and thus properly manages check-in/check-out activation
  6. made sure new demo project always runs through (by forcing use of default settings)
  7. friction identification improved
  8. detailed output of errors in forces and moments of FE load cases introduced
  9. improved table output of FE load case results
  10. FE load case attribution to specific stiffness parameters improved
  11. ’shift into origin‘ setting made selectable
  12. ‚adjust settings‘ added to project creation assistant
  13. enhanced file-name based inspection/check-in of footprint bitmaps
  14. new processed footprint preview during image check-in
  15. new function to conveniently export cleat simulation scripts, in order to analyze a given cleat test from the command line outside FTire/fit
  16. fix: under certain conditions, score values of steady-state tests were not written to sco-file
  17. Tydex signal MEASNUMB recognized now
  18. allowing non-trivial specification of number of signal values per row in TYDEX files added (as defined in TYDEX spec)
  19. generalization of temperature signal selection: signal to be used (and which is meant by TRDTEMP in the tdx-file) can be selected in FTire/fit GUI -> Settings -> preferences
  20. script for mu-slip-cases improved, to make sure it passes through origin
  21. muslip sim-script improved, to make sure the complete measurement is simulated *after* transients have died out
  22. cleat definition for steady-state cases in demo-project re-organized: steady-state cleats have own cleat identifier now and are no longer defined inside sim-file


  1. Simulink models updated, all compatible now with Matlab 2015A and later
  2. abort button in message window within Simulink no longer shown; abort Simulink simulations with original Simulink means instead


  1. improved grid road animation model: circular blending, less flicker
  2. unified definition of oblique cleat orientation angle, independent on drum type: changed all data items ‚direction‘ and ‚cleat_direction‘ to ‚cleat_angle‘, keeping meaning of old items exactly what it was, but setting its use to ‚deprecated‘
  3. check license-protected rgr-files for correct encryption prior to checking out license
  4. VI-Grade-style triangulated 3d roads supported now
  5. new center-line road data format: mtl- and mtb-files with certain mandatory signals
  6. fix: potential multithreading vulnerability in certain road evaluation routines
  7. new example road data file cosin_function.evr


  1. several cosin/player improvements: fix of scene c.o.g. computation for camera control, and more

cosin/tools for tires

  1. try to re-sync in record-file replay implemented
  2. made sure all tir-files with relative tread-pattern file names can be loaded in all analysis tools
  3. compatibility date and compatibility version selection in cosin/tools for tires simplified and generalized
  4. new Matlab scripts to post-process bso-files
  5. made sure Pac2002 files can be opened in GUI
  6. Pac2002 export from FTire improved
  7. computation and output of rdyn @ My=0 (classical free rolling) and rdyn @ Fx=0 (controlled with drive torque, theoretical correct value) in cosin/tools for tires introduced
  8. consolidation of all spline specifications and their management in GUI
  9. stability and step-size selection for FTire steady-state analysis improved

cosin/tools for roads

  1. rgr export of ctr road data files (track files) including speed profile for lateral inclination specification added
  2. fully automated rgr-file generation out of general road data file for use in real-time applications added
  3. track file export to rgr completed with all cosin/io roads
  4. made sure no sort of encrypted RGR file link can be visualized/analyzed
  5. new clickable specification of predefined 2d plot intervals in road visualizer
  6. taking into account optional banking angle of center-line import to new rgr file
  7. fix: corrected computation of rounded bevel edges of inclined cleats
  8. new road visualization types ‚contour plot‘ and ‚level plot‘
  9. simplified view selection introduced in cosin/tools for roads
  10. fix: prevent animation from crashing if visualizing center-line road without accompanying rgr data
  11. GUI call of rgr generation from other road data file menu enabled
  12. optional rgu file can now be applied in rgr reformat GUI
  13. improved function ‚add new data to rgr‘ now allows to add or modify soft soil and variable friction data to existing rgr
  14. added export of rgu-modified rgr at any arbitrary time, using ‚reformat/modify rgr‘ function
  15. optional leading and trailing ramp and leading flat segment added to rgr generation
  16. new tools for processing all kinds of center-line defining road data files
  17. optionally plot center-line display in triangulation plot
  18. center-line modification added to rgr export
  19. focus optionally follows road section now in rgr/center-line visualization
  20. new function in center-line manager: write detailed mtl output file with curvature and more
  21. original center-line data are now shown in processed center-line test output
  22. 2d road visualization made interactive, embedded in endless loop with sliders for time and scaling in graphics window


  1. force feedback steering wheel support on all platforms introduced
  2. cosin/mbs micro simulator (comics) made available, for FTire real-time demo together with full MBS vehicle model, without need for any 3rd-party solver
  3. show complete MBS front axle in cosin/mbs simulator if requested, and embed FTire contact patches
  4. force-feedback steering wheel controls documented in animation window
  5. reset switch added to comics
  6. convenient refresh of exported rgr files added to GUI


  1. optimized state save/retrieve management implemented
  2. save/retrieve FTire states to/from memory in addition to save to/from file added
  3. CTI message output formatting within in 3rd-party applications improved
  4. default log-file name in CTI environments set to ftire.log
  5. log-file in CTI now equipped with same prefix as all other output files
  6. added new CTI API function ctiSetCompatVersion to set compatibility version for a given tire handle.
  7. addew new CTI API function ctiWriteStatesMemoryList to write state arrays to memory for list of tire instances in multi-threaded mode.


  1. added new CRI API function criGenerateRGR to automatically generate RGR files out of general road data files. See criGenerateRGRDemo for an example how to call the new function

CRIDL (CRI Dynamic Library Wrapper)

  1. added Dynamic Loader for CRI shared library (cridl.c) to simplify run-time loading


  1. 3rd party distribution installers and reference packages discontinued


  1. improved error message if license doesn’t exist on license server
  2. bug-fix if non-licensed soft-soil rgr is loaded
  3. new second rgr license and license key for rgr encryption key implemented
  4. new license check feature ‚ftire_adams‘
  5. old license features ‚ftmt‘ and ‚ftrt‘ replaced by ‚ftacc‘ for accelerated FTire and ‚fthil‘ for FTire in HiL environments
  6. potentially misleading licensing message in animation window improved
  7. added license-status data to license trace message in case license doesn’t exist on server


  1. osin/road documentation revised
  2. rim-to-road contact documentation revised

cosin software 2018-3 release notes


  1. resource statistics output format improved


  1. added detailed local pressure and air flow velocity output to bso-files
  2. optional rim_contour parameter added to tir-files
  3. agricultural W, DW, TW rim contours added, cf. ETRTO
  4. new additional unilateral sidewall stiffness model added, to prevent sidewalls from being stretched too much; new, fully downward compatible parameter sidewall_stretch_stiffn_factor introduced
  5. writing of additional output files considerably accelerated
  6. message in case of FTire instability improved
  7. specification of car-body CAD file in animation settings GUI fixed
  8. new compatibility date 2018.06.12 introduced:
    • tire sidewalls prevented from being stretched too much, by introducing strongly progressive radial stiffness in stretched condition
    • inflation pressure, tire temperature, and tread depth changes properly taken into account now in loaded modal analysis
    • orientation angle of oblique cleats consistently defined counter-clockwise, using new data item ‚cleat_angle‘ instead of deprecated items ‚direction‘ or ‚cleat_direction‘ in all relevant road types (both in cosin/io and TeimOrbit format for drum, flatbelt, cleat, and plank)
    • slightly too small scaling of imperfection kind ‚2D tread gauge variation‘ fixed
  9. made sure no more animation window pops up in current simulation when Esc key was hit
  10. inner liner and belt layer thickness, if defined in tir-file, now shown in cross section plot


  1. FTire/fit measurement type recognition rules improved
  2. new selection added to settings for policy in case of multiple FTire/fit cases: ‚ask what to do‘
  3. recognition of unsupported TYDEX labels improved
  4. fix: tread depth might have been wrongly set during footprint check-in
  5. minimum thread number introduced in FTire/fit preferences menu
  6. fix: made sure ‚delete‘ button in FTire/fit GUIs doesn’t leave any garbage in FTire/fit control file, and thus properly manages check-in/check-out activation
  7. cleat definition for steady-state cases in FTire/fit demo-project reorganized: steady-state cleats have own cleat identifier now and are no longer defined inside sim-file


  1. all Simulink example models updated: all compatible now with Matlab 2015A and later
  2. ineffective ‘abort’ button in message window opened by Simulink models removed


  1. automatic re-sync in rec-file replay added
  2. made sure all tir-files with relative tread-pattern file name can be loaded in all analysis tools
  3. compatibility date and compatibility version selection in cosin/tools for tires simplified and generalised
  4. cosin/ip GUI improved, more predefined search strings added
  5. multiple cosin/player improvements: more accurate of scene c.o.g. computation for camera control, and more
  6. ’show‘ button in cosin/tools for roads shows actually selected obstacle now
  7. improved 2D imperfection plots in cosin/tools for tires
  8. new fast specification of predefined 2D plot intervals in road visualizer


  1. new complete export of ctr road data files that contain a speed profile to rgr files
  2. export stl/obj/shl to rgr improved in case of full 3D data
  3. track file export to rgr-files now supported for all cosin/io roads
  4. improved grid road animation model (circular blending, less flicker)
  5. unified definition of oblique cleat orientation angle, independent on drum type
  6. check license-protected rgr-files for correct encryption prior to checking out license
  7. taking into account optional banking angle of center-line import into new rgr-file
  8. fix: corrected computation of rounded bevel edges of inclined cleats


  1. cosin/mbs simulator mode (‚comics‘) introduced
  2. fully-automatic rgr generation for cosin/mbs+FTire simulator application implemented, if necessary
  3. cosin/mbs animation improvements:
    • show complete front axle if requested
    • embed FTire contact patches etc.
  4. force feedback controls interface added
  5. Open/AL sound generation added
  6. steering wheel controls on-screen documentation added


  1. optimized FTire states save/retrieve management added, using new CTI functions ctiReadStatesMemory / ctiWriteStatesMemory
  2. added new CTI function ctiSetStatesMemory which writes states memory at the end of a ctiComputeForcesList call if the writing was requested via corresponding job flag. Note: writing is done in parallel within the tire threads, in contrast to the CTI function ctiWriteStatesMemory which runs in the main thread
  3. names to CTI threads assigned
  4. allowed ctiSetAffinity function to be called together with non-ctimt API functions like ctiComputeForces
  5. added new CTIINIT.mt_call_flag modes:
    • .0. default affinity handling is enabled
    • .1. default affinity handling is disabled
    • 0.. off-line application
    • 1.. hardware-in-the-loop application

CTI Dynamic Loader (CTIDL)

  1. added carriage return handling to ctidlGetCosinInstallFolder() while extracting the cosin_install from the cosin ini-file

Simulator and HiL Applications

  1. maximum RT angle increment for all example tires set to 2.5, to make them run in real time even at highest speed


  1. improved error message if license doesn’t exist on license server


  1. documentation entries for all new FTire parameters added
  2. Bekker-Wong soft soil model documentation added

cosin software 2018-2 release notes


  1. considerable speed-up of several internal functions
  2. sign() function added to cosin formula interpreter
  3. image loading routines made thread-safe
  4. improved cosin/io data-file formatter
  5. new option -nocol to unconditionally suppress coloured text output

cosin GUI

  1. selection of ‚mimicked cosin version‘ introduced, to conveniently ’simulate‘ an older cosin version


  1. further improved geometry packer for FTire animation window
  2. fix: poor formatting in interactive footprint comparison simulation
  3. steady-state animation window improved
  4. improved display of sliders in animation window
  5. save option in interactive analysis animation window introduced
  6. road shift to improve numerical robustness during steady-state computation
  7. improved specification of road visualization in animation window
  8. made sure camera position is properly adjusted at animation start in case of multiple tires
  9. extra fast rgr evaluation implemented in RT mode
  10. more accurate cross section plot
  11. new speed mode specification:
    1. accelerated mode
      • level 1: no model extensions
      • level 2: no model extensions, no extra output
      • level 3: no model extensions, no extra output, no animation, reduced resolution
      • level 4: no model extensions, no extra output, no animation, reduced resolution, fast co-simulation, only with constant step-size
    2. real-time mode
      • level 1: no model extensions, no extra output, no animation, reduced resolution, robust co-simulation, only with constant step-size
      • level 2: no model extensions, no check for bottoming, no extra output, no animation, reduced resolution, reduced extra output, robust co-simulation, only with constant step-size
      • level 3: no model extensions, no check for bottoming, no extra output, no animation, reduced resolution, reduced extra output, fast co-simulation, only with constant step-size
      • level 4: no model extensions, no check for bottoming, no extra output, no animation, reduced resolution, reduced extra output, fast co-simulation, only with constant step-size
      • level 5: no model extensions, no check for bottoming, no extra output, no animation, reduced resolution, minimum extra output, fast co-simulation, only with constant step-size, fast rgr road evaluation w/o and with curved center-line, if applicable
  12. animation geometry manager improved and equipped with warning messages if widgets overlap
  13. RTF measurement added to statistics output
  14. error condition set and preprocessing aborted if specified tread pattern image not found or not loadable
  15. new output signal ‚minimum interior cross section area‘
  16. fix: more precise segment volume computation in detailed air cavity model
  17. fix: more accurate air cavity reaction forces computation
  18. Adams version of ISO forces/moments (TYDEX 38-43) added to cosin/ip output
  19. automatic correct positioning of footprint bitmap in animation window
  20. detailed and unified output of reason for refreshed pre-preprocessing
  21. made sure movie generation can be controlled with F4 even if animation starts in movie state
  22. improved recognition of rim rotation instability
  23. rim CAD file specification simplified and redundancy removed; file name appears now at most once in tir-file
  24. improved model configuration message output
  25. fix: potential crash in pre-processing if both cornering stiffness (or any other steady-state rolling condition) is prescribed and thermal model is activated
  26. made sure all belt output variables are well-defined and set to zero in case of non-pneumatic tire
  27. provision of all eventually needed needed TYDEX signals even in highest speed mode
  28. extra Ascii output of footprint boundaries provided
  29. tire noise activation simplified, more physics-based squealing loudness estimation introduced


  1. automatically show cleat list and cleat properties when opening cosin/tools for a FTire/fit clt file
  2. animation window of interactive footprint simulation improved
  3. more detailed description of friction cases in FTire/fit GUI
  4. quick measurement check introduced
  5. proper treatment of check-in/check-out in case of multiple virtual measurement files derived from a single data file
  6. direct call of cosin/tools for respective obstacle in measurement details window, if applicable
  7. data-block editor integrated into FTire/fit GUI for convenient editing of cleat definitions
  8. free running wheel rather than forced slip in interactive footprint simulation
  9. friction cases from slip angle sweeps are simulated now with freely rolling wheel
  10. footprint size included in check-in details
  11. number of cross-section modifiers can be chosen in interactive simulation menu
  12. footprint boundary computation simplified
  13. measurement check-in messages improved
  14. reading/writing of FTire/fit control file in new format made compatible with older versions
  15. fix: potentially wrong Fz values in report image captions
  16. correct treatment of all files referenced by tir-file within relevant FTire/fit operations
  17. copying of linked files into history made user-selectable
  18. wrong warning message ‚incomplete validation‘ after report generation from within history menu fixed
  19. improved usability of history menu by new short-cut buttons


  1. new FTire/sim simulation option: follow course in a given distance, defined by road center-line
  2. simplified speed mode specification in FTire/sim GUI
  3. made sure FZ given as parameter does not overwrite source signal ‚deflection‘
  4. all sim scripts revised and reformatted
  5. source of output time span specification made selectable between tire data file and sim script


  1. brush-up of cosin/ip GUI
  2. fix: logarithmic scaling of multiple PSD plots in cosin/ip

cosin/tools for Tires

  1. new convenient tir-file comparison option, only showing those parameter deviations beyond a definable threshold
  2. made sure cross section can be plotted correctly if tire data file refers to a bitmap in a relative directory
  3. specification of tire structure letter (R,D,B,RF,ZR) consistently introduced in all relevant GUIs
  4. tire size specification in FTire/estimate simplified
  5. GUI for FTire/estimate formulae specification redesigned and completed with ‘help’ and ‘clear’ function
  6. modal analysis GUI revised
  7. comparison of tir-files includes byte-wise tread pattern and rim data now
  8. convenient sub-model activation status and selection added to cosin/tools for tires GUI
  9. missing ‚clear entry field‘ buttons added in all GUIs
  10. new selection ‚linked files‘, collecting in a single menu all files that can be specified within a tir-file
  11. file comparison by contents improved
  12. fingerprint parameter bounds for wheel load and camber angle made selectable by user

cosin/tools for Roads

  1. new rgr road example files
  2. user-defined 3d road visualizer improved and accelerated for rgr roads
  3. added ‚closed‘ specification and automatic recognition of ‘closed’ property to rgr roads with center-line
  4. made fast rgr evaluation with center-line run properly even if center-line is closed and rgr grid length is not a fraction of center-line length
  5. automatic prolongation of rgr grid of closed centerline roads, to let it cover the whole road for visualization
  6. improved grid-based road visualization: sliders added, variable resolution
  7. simplified specification of grid size in rgr generator
  8. fast preview of new roads w/o saving new road data file
  9. simplification and harmonization of rgr road generator and center-line extraction
  10. new example road data file ‚flatbelt‘ in cosin/io format
  11. in road builder, user can select now if rgr data are specified in curvilinear or in global coordinates
  12. fix: rgu-file visualization
  13. friction factor made selectable in 3d road automatic visualization
  14. new feature: evaluate road at single location and show numerical result


  1. made sure FTire output does not overwrite cosin/mbs output


  1. rec-files now are directly loadable in cosin/ip for inspection
  2. ctiEvaluateRoad() will put out info message rather than warning, and return modified road data in case of license protected data
  3. banner and ‘about’ window contains source code status date
  4. improved output of used speed mode and reason why it is used in FTire/sim and CTI messages
  5. clean program exit if tire data file in CTI environment cannot be read/loaded
  6. new CTI functions ctiReadStatesMemory(), ctiWriteStatesMemory to read/write CTI states from/to memory
  7. CTI splash screen now lists CTI installation directory
  8. allow ctiLinearize() to neglect modal damping (see docu for more)
  9. made sure no 3rd-party environment can suppress animation if not wanted by user
  10. Adams product names spelling in message file fixed
  11. added mode flag to cti{Read,Write}StatesMemory to read/write all CTI states (mode=0) or only a subset of the CTI states (mode=1)
  12. revision number added to CTI splash screen


  1. all documentation chapters updated
  2. FE-based parameterization docu chapter added
  3. new correspondence table for TYDEX signals added
  4. list of parameters treated by FTire/fit added
  5. new ftire_diagnosis.txt mentioned in support checklist

cosin software 2018-1 release notes


  1. geometry packer for cosin animation window introduced
  2. widget boundary visualisation in animation settings GUI introduced
  3. warning messages if widgets in animation window overlap
  4. slider labels in animation window moved outside slider fields (if large enough), to improve readability
  5. redesign/simplification of road visualisation specification for animation window
  6. output of undefined variable name in cosin/calc’s evaluation of arithmetic expressions
  7. maximum number of roads and tires changed to 64 each



  1. speed-mode from $parameters data block now dominant over respective command-line option, allowing to run several instances of FTire/sim within FTire/fit at different speed modes
  2. source of speed-mode value written as message
  3. made sure pre-processing is not repeated if only animation settings are changed
  4. fix: loading of several different tread patterns made thread-safe
  5. new compatibility date 2017.11.15:
    • improved contact patch triangulation algorithm in case of large tread shear displacements
    • more robust computation of steady-state contact patch geometry and contact forces if tread pattern is given by image
    • made sure tread pattern repetition follows same rules and is exactly the same in all speed modes
    • more accurate computation of sidewall height, taking into account exact ETRTO compliant rim flange geometry
    • numerically more robust steady-state tire initialisation in case of strongly inclined roads
    • speed mode 6 now provides minimum TYDEX output and accelerated rgr evaluation
  6. initial steady-state computation made even more robust, to work well with initial vertical velocity
  7. on-line plots and footprints for more than one tire instance enabled in animation window
  8. made sure camera position is properly adjusted in first animation frames, in case of multiple tires
  9. RT level 5 changed from ’no TYDEX output‘ to ‚Minimum TYDEX output and extra fast rgr road evaluation if applicable‘
  10. cross-section plot improved
  11. common unified output signals for FTire, FETire, and HTire introduced
  12. fix: made sure diagnosis animation starts with correct camera velocity
  13. error condition set and preprocessing aborted if specified tread pattern image is not found or is not loadable



  1. fix: calibration of forces/moments in FTire/fit taken now into account in RMS calculation also, rather than only in plot output
  2. ‚inflation pressure variability tolerance‘ introduced as new FTire/fit setting value
  3. in-plane cleat test quality indication in FTire/fit menu fixed



  1. made sure plot file is generated if scopes are to be shown in animation
  2. new FTire/sim example script ‚driven drum‘



  1. record-files now can be opened in cosin/ip
  2. fix: ‚trim file‘ function in cosin/ip
  3. cosin/ip load of several huge files fixed and accelerated
  4. animation settings GUI reachable from replay GUI


cosin/tools for Tires

  1. fix: display of used/overdetermined data in cosin/tools for tires tir-file editor
  2. fix: save option in interactive FTire analysis animation window
  3. new convenient tir-file comparison option added, only showing those parameter deviations beyond a definable threshold


cosin/tools for Roads

  1. standard views (top/side/front) introduced and made selectable in 3d road visualisers
  2. animation speed-up for complex scenes with constant data used in road visualiser
  3. new export function in for all kinds of roads: ‚export to rgr‘, saving road profiles and surfaces even from user-defined models into an rgr file, for use in record file replay etc.
  4. center-line extraction from rgr file generalised; both coarsening and refinement now possible
  5. color legend added to all modes of road visualiser
  6. cleat list and cleat properties is shown when loading a clt file in cosin/tools
  7. interpolated center-line data export to mtb-file, for analysis of smoothness etc., added to cosin/tools
  8. fix: increment handling when extracting center-line files from road data files
  9. new mtb export from center-line data
  10. improved road visualiser:
    • high/low resolution made selectable on the fly
    • camera focus follows selected road section
    • pos/length slider selection instead of smin/smax
  11. new rgr center-line analysis option
  12. footprint trajectories from arbitrary FTire simulations can now be added to 3d road visualisation
  13. user-defined 3d road visualiser improved and accelerated for rgr roads



  1. predefined road sizes in user-defined 3d road visualiser introduced
  2. combination of rotating rdf drum with rgr roads introduced
  3. moving curb road added to example road data files
  4. optional PT1 filter of center-line data in rgr files added
  5. example road psd.rgr added
  6. increased accuracy when reading center-line data with non-zero data decimation
  7. extra fast rgr evaluation both w/o and with center-line, w/o and with additional road transformation, w/o and with variable friction, and for all extrapolation modes introduced
  8. fix: rgr files with header and trailing exclamation mark, but w/o binary data made valid
  9. new road type: free rotating drum, driven by tire
  10. new example road file ‚driven drum‘



  1. fix: CTI function ctiGetRoadSize output for crg roads
  2. fix: ctiSetNotify and ctiSetAffinity handling while running in multithreaded mode
  3. added unit info for ctiGetRoadSize
  4. strictly restricted use of ctiEvaluateRoadHeight in case of license protected data
  5. exact RTF measurement added to statistics output
  6. new CTI function ctiSetDrumTorque, in conjunction with fully automatically operated drum test-rig defined by 2D road type ‚drum‘; drum is driven both by (a) all wheels identified to be located above drum, and (b) by external torque specified by ctiSetDrumTorque, if mom_of_inertia is set for drum in road data file
  7. new CTI function ctiSetOutputFilePrefix, to define another set of output files when time loop is executed several times in sequence for the same tire
  8. new CTI function ctiWriteRoadData, to write road data of x/y region swept during previous simulation
  9. new CTI demo program ctiResetDemo.c, ctiMtResetDemo.c, and ctiRoadEvalDemo.c
  10. allow ctiCloseTire to be called repeatedly
  11. added new reset mode (=9) to ctiComputeForces* and ctiComputeForces*List functions



  1. cosin/tools for tires documentation updated
  2. cosin/tools for roads documentation updated
  3. cosin/rgr documentation updated
  4. FTire/parameterisation documentation updated and completed with FE-based documentation chapters
  5. missing data items added to FTire/model documentation
  6. legal notices added to FTire/fit documentation

cosin software 2017-4 release notes


  1. prevent escape sequence output in 3rd-party messaging on Linux
  2. output of command line options only at end of program, to be able to mark unused options

cosin GUI

  1. quick visual check of animation settings added to GUI
  2. fix: prevent tcl from crashing if FTire/fit or cosin/mbs window is closed after deleting project folder manually
  3. placement of message window outside screen prevented
  4. made sure all GUIs are completely visible when opened
  5. fix: crash in tcl when checking selected editor
  6. cosin/ip GUI improved, new functions: predefined plot sizes for fast selection
  7. search item list added to cosin/ip GUI
  8. log-file browser now allows expanding of single output blocks
  9. cosin/ip GUI redesigned: simplified loading/unloading of plot files
  10. cosin/ip window placement improved
  11. less flicker when changing plot window size in cosin/ip


  1. new compatibility date 2017-07-31: automatically disregarding hysteresis during linearization
  2. multiple & different tread pattern bitmap files make work simultaneously
  3. cleat contact phase added as new column in cfo output file
  4. controlled temperature without activated thermo model implemented
  5. consistent distinction between R, D, and B tires
  6. new realistic tread pattern example images added to package
  7. users are asked now if additional data files (tread pattern, rim data, rim CAD file), when specified, are to be copied into FTire data file directory
  8. new function to mark first cleat contact in a tread pattern image
  9. default numeric settings for pre-processing made more robust
  10. fix: potential crash during loaded tire linearization
  11. FTire example data file consolidation; new example files for tire sizes:
    • (1) 195/65 R 15 91T
    • (2) 205/55 R 16 91V
    • (3) 225/45 R 17 91V
    • (4) 235/45 R 17 94W
    • (5) 245/40 R 18 97Y
    • (6) 295/35 R 20 105Y
  12. made sure version of CTI and FTire state array input from file is compatible with actually used cosin version
  13. fix: smooth simulation resume using state save/retrieve function
  14. head line with signal numbers added to mtl files
  15. more precise and simplified surface node position output
  16. fix: linearization in case of activated flexrim model
  17. angle input in linearized LTI system made selectable: Bryant angles (default) or rotation about inertial x/y/z axis


  1. operating conditions and pressure output in FETire made work
  2. FETire cross section output added to cosin/tools

FTire animation

  1. animation suppressing made selectable even in case of ogl request
  2. animation window control made work even if no .cosin-file is available
  3. quick visual check of animation settings added to GUI
  4. lighting can be switched off now even if settings source is a tir-file
  5. scopes are shown in GUI even if settings source is a tir-file
  6. new deformed and colored rim CAD model
  7. extremely deformed side-walls shown more realistically
  8. simulation time made better readable
  9. placement of objects in animation window improved
  10. auto-scaled time interval in scopes fixed
  11. color palette selection in FTire animation introduced
  12. new color palette ‚reduced thermo‘, to avoid color white (= background color) in footprint
  13. homogenization of color legend display in all applications


  1. made sure single FTire deflection frame is added to report in case of FE tests
  2. added new selection ‚open FTire/fit project in‘ to launchpad menu
  3. dynamic stiffening identification improved
  4. reference plots made work even in percental comparisons
  5. new button ‚reload simulation scripts‘
  6. report formatting improved
  7. sim-scripts brushed up
  8. new simscripts made 100% downward compatible, not requiring simscript update
  9. tir-file prevented from forced preprocessing for cleat test validation
  10. better on-cleat-phase visualization in report
  11. FTire/fit by default opens last project now
  12. initial project selection fixed
  13. fix: wrong image sorting in report generation on Linux
  14. description of cleat geometry added to cleat test captions in report
  15. captions output and step forward/backward buttons added to validation image browser
  16. stepping through validation images now works even if a group is only partially validated
  17. measurement type recognition revised
  18. more detailed ‚what if‘ info display in measurement list
  19. user may propose measurement type now (right click in measurement list or check-in button)
  20. simplification and unification of check-in procedure
  21. made sure CTORS test case with high steering angle rate is recognised as statics
  22. more friction cases recognized
  23. numeric settings optimization improved
  24. new analysis button in tread pattern image specification: show longitudinal and lateral net-to-gross distribution
  25. footprint boundary approximation fixed for models with tread pattern


  1. help call in all Simulink models fixed
  2. new Matlab scripts and functions for mtl- and gpo-file postprocessing
  3. mp4 generation added to gpo postprocessor


  1. all simscripts from FTire/fingerprint made work within FTire/sim GUI without any modification
  2. time-dependent road friction modification factor introduced in FTire/sim, controllable via new sources & sinks signal ‚road_friction_mod_factor‘
  3. fix: solid tire simulation made run again in FTire/sim and FTire/fingerprint
  4. new checkbuttons ‚tag‘ introduced in FTire/sim GUI, to fully automatically tag output file names by actual parameter values
  5. initial wheel rotation angle introduced
  6. optional modified tread pattern file added


  1. slip angle made controllable in interactive analysis
  2. wheel load control in FTire/fingerprint made work even for ‚exotic‘ tires
  3. new ’shaded curves‘ with general RGBA color in cosin/ip
  4. cosin/ip cursor (if active) vanishes outside diagram bounds
  5. more accurate placement of left/right-aligned text in cosin/ip postscript and png output
  6. friction modification added to steady-state and interactive analysis
  7. analysis function for rim data files added to cosin/tools
  8. flexrim data file generation completed with approximations for simplified approach
  9. output of Green’s functions added to flexrim analysis
  10. flexrim Matlab scripts added to installation package
  11. fix: carcass/tread spline editing function made work
  12. rim rotation angle added to linearization menu as new input value
  13. new two-phase self-tuning wheel load controller introduced in steady-state computation


  1. 2D road type time-variant function made work even if friction factor is set
  2. fix: cosin_3d_step.rdf road made work
  3. fix: cosin_3d_dummy_rgr.rdf road made work
  4. RGR output selection made work in old STI interface called by Adams
  5. made sure full 3d road evaluation works for all tire instances if using the same triangulated road data file
  6. fix: huge rgr data file loading with more than 500000 center-line points
  7. new optional rgr road data file licensing
  8. rgr file generation for simple obstacles made more user-friendly


  1. activation of rgu-file output adapted to new Adams logics (using function cfinit rather than environment variables)
  2. added demo program for ctiLinearize
  3. homogenized cti demo programs
  4. restart demo program slightly extended
  5. fix: bitwise exact CTI restart in case of step-size-control and potential going backward in time
  6. fix: individual record files might not have been cleanly closed with repeated call of ctiInit / ctiClose
  7. enhanced output modes for ctiWriteAdditionalOutput
  8. improved error handling for ctiReadStates and ctiWriteStates


  1. cti documentation revised and completed with all new functions

cosin software 2017-3 release notes


  1. Interpretation of arithmetic expressions of the form „i.k+l“ now the same as in Matlab (which is different from the interpretation of the GNU compilers)
  2. All arithmetic constants are defined with the highest possible accuracy
  3. Arithmetic expressions may now have a nearly arbitrary length / complexity
  4. Maximum message line length in cosin applications are increased from 80 to 100
  5. Enhanced ascii file reading routine implemented, to allow for varying number of data per line in array input
  6. Fix: recognition of stl-file type (binary vs. ascii)

cosin GUI

  1. Placement of error and yes / no message windows improved
  2. GUI design slightly modified
  3. New button ‚collapse/expand‘ added to message window, which displays/hides standard text other than headlines
  4. Fix: all GUI windows automatically increase in size, if contents are shown incompletely


  1. More animation settings in tir-files made available in GUI
  2. New side-wall coloring during animation
  3. Robust Tydex signal output even in accelerated multithreading mode added
  4. Sound enabling improved; sound available on all platforms
  5. Initial non-zero rim rotation angle made selectable in alternative interface
  6. Contact calculation in higher speed modes further accelerated
  7. Lateral tire deformation limited in a physically consistent way now by ‚horizontal unilateral side-wall springs‘
  8. Potential bottoming enabled for speed modes 1 and 2
  9. Occasional wrong physical units in animation window color legends fixed
  10. Improvement of kind of animation (and other) selections in animation settings GUI
  11. New distinction between, and detailed specification of, ‚geometry‘ and ’surface‘ output (the latter needed for coupling to cosin/prm and 3rd-party CFD code)
  12. Optional FTire data container (folder with name extension .ftc) introduced, to collect all relevant FTire model data files in one folder
  13. More QA test cases introduced, concerning thermal model
  14. BDF parameter for air vibration model made selectable, to further increase numerical stability range
  15. Accuracy of color legend annotation improved
  16. Added warning output if contact processor bound is possibly too small
  17. Individual scaling of contact force vectors and hub forces in running diagrams
  18. ‚Glue to ground‘ selection in modal analysis of loaded, but standing tire added
  19. New svn (revision) status line added to all tir-files
  20. Refined belt bending degressivity model introduced (subsumed under compatibility date 2017.04.16)
  21. New camera setting ‚glass plate‘ (from below)
  22. Negative lateral bending stiffness values avoided during pre-processing
  23. Choice among additional ground pressure / longitudinal shear stress / lateral shear stress output file added
  24. Enhanced statistics output upon program completion
  25. Optional lateral dynamic stiffness and lateral hysteresis introduced
  26. Abrupt shift/rotation of rim position recognised and treated properly, useful for simplified simulation reset etc. without new initialisation
  27. Accuracy of loaded and rolling tire modal analysis improved
  28. Prevent camera position from jumping if certain settings are changed on the fly
  29. Made sure animation window is unconditionally closed after Esc-key was hit
  30. Contact stress output distinguishes now between locally maximum and mean values, taking into account net-to-gross ratio
  31. Diagnose mode redefined: no longer forces any additional output by itself, but only allows output if ordered, even if running in a higher speed mode
  32. Animation window control made to work even if no cosin ini-file is available
  33. Fix: ‚initial radial stiffness‘ identification, if given, during pre-processing fixed
  34. Fix: computation of temperature output signals in real-time version with activated thermal model
  35. Fix: temperature-dependent friction variation made effective in real-time mode contact computation
  36. Fix: missing road reset in massively parallel FTire/sim simulations added
  37. Fix: change of operating conditions when called in single-threaded mode with force extrapolation made functional again
  38. Fix: belt torsion and twist stiffness pressure dependency (subsumed under compatibility date 2017.06.20)
  39. Consolidation: compatibility dates prior to 2010.01.01 removed


  1. All wheel load controller gains in FTire/fit simulation scripts set to 0.3
  2. Tooltips in FTire/fit settings GUI improved
  3. Maximum frequency in FTire/fit PSD plots adapted to identification settings and FTire model properties
  4. PSD plot y-axis scale made user-definable in settings
  5. FETire data files (.fet) made available in FTire/fit, in addition to tdd files
  6. No unnecessary pre-processing refresh in cleat test validation
  7. ‚Optimize numerical data‘ now disregards cases with suboptimal pre-processing
  8. Fix: recognition if same file has been checked in already
  9. Fix: under certain conditions, data query window in FTire/fit measurement check-in had not been shown. Reactivated
  10. Fix: recognition of all dynamic stiffening measurements for check-in
  11. Fix: made sure single FTire deflection frame is added to report in case of FE tests


  1. Plot signals ‚instantaneous scrub radius‘ and ‚instantaneous caster offset‘ added to output
  2. New constant ‚rmax‘ of currently loaded tire made available in simulation control expressions
  3. Accuracy of wheel load control during camber angle variation improved
  4. ‚Show files and resources‘ button added to FTire/sim GUI, if log-file is available (equipped with hyperlinks for fast opening of input/output files)
  5. New ‚pause‘ and ‚rewind‘ button
  6. Recognition and error message if wheel load controller gets unstable


  1. New cosin/ip commands:
    • up (first curve to foreground)
    • down (last curve to foreground)
    • hcpng5;<thickness> (use specified line thickness in png hardcopy)
    • thick;<thickness> (use specified line thickness in current attribute set)
  2. Postscript line display accuracy in cosin/ip improved
  3. Fontsize made selectable in png output of cosin/ip
  4. Message-string size in cti/replay functions fixed
  5. cosin/ip call from command line equipped with full functionality
  6. Detailed ‚preview‘ of output file names created in cosin/tools FTire output tab
  7. Fix: plot window can be closed w/o hanging of calling program in 2D road visualizer
  8. Fix: selection of kind of calls to show (statics and different kinds of dynamics) in record file browser made to work again


  1. Superposition feature added to cosin evr files
  2. New road example files: superposition of rgr files on rotating evr drums; formula-based moving curb-stone with initial acceleration phase
  3. Interpolation type (piecewise linear vs. spline) made selectable in related TeimOrbit and cosin 2D road data types
  4. New user-written code example file for soft soil models (sample.usm)


  1. Loading large number of different tires enabled, only limited by CTI internal setting (currently 120)
  2. New truck animation models
  3. Made sure FTire is shown in every cosin/mbs animation frame, even if animation step-size is very small
  4. New ‚pause‘ and ‚rewind‘ button
  5. Fix: computation of translational joint torque on body B


  1. ctiGetTydexSignals extended, to put out compressed TYDEX signal array
  2. Added road evaluation demo program
  3. CTI in fast force extrapolation mode made thread-safe by completely avoiding data exchange with calling solver during FTire threads actively running
  4. Message-string size in cti/replay functions fixed
  5. Forces and moments are saved in global coordinates in rec-file, instead of TYDEX C
  6. Fix: computation of rim transformation matrix in alternative interface for roll and/or pitch angle close to 90 deg
  7. Fix: rec-files prevented from being corrupted in case of multi-threaded call w/o setting multi-threaded call flag
  8. New CTI functions:
    • ctiGetNodePositionsWithAttributes to provide interpolated surface attribute values together with surface node positions
    • ctiGetStatus to get current CTI status
    • ctiSetInitialRimAngle set initial rim rotation angle (effective only with alternative interface to be called before first call to ctiComputeForcesOnWheelCarrier)

CTI/client and CTI/server (client side of TCP- or UDP-based remote CTI execution)

  1. Simplified IO dimension handling in UDP mode
  2. Added compressed tydex output handling in cticliGetTydexSignals
  3. New CTICLI functions:
    • cticliComputeForcesWithOutputArrayList to compute forces/torques and get additional outputs
    • cticliGetForcesWithOutputArrayListMT to get forces/torques and additional outputs if requested via cticliComputeForcesListMT


  1. Maximum speed mode in Modelon environment set to 5 (to ensure road normal is available in TYDEX array)
  2. Added selection option to cosin GUI if separate message window is to be displayed during cosimulation
  3. ‚Beginning instability‘ in cosimulation environments treated as error condition now
  4. Control of rgu-file output in Tydex/STI interface for Adams fixed
  5. Superfluous mass correction message removed from Modelon interface
  6. Message line length in 3rd-party environment made selectable
  7. Setting ‚don’t allow 3rd-party environment to suppress animation‘ is set to 0 by default now
  8. Image grabbing in animation window, shown within 3rd-party environments, reactivated
  9. Tolerated sudden angle increment relaxed, to make Abaqus tests run
  10. Animation suppressing made selectable even in case of ogl request
  11. Fix: potentially incomplete message line output


  1. Added cmake project to build CTI demos on macOS, Linux, Windows (VisualStudio and MinGW)
  2. Added cmake project to build user code shared library on macOS, Linux, Windows (VisualStudio and MinGW)


  1. Screenshots, grammar, spelling, and linguistics revised
  2. Contents of support checklist revised


cosin software 2017-2 release notes


  1. TeimOrbit Data block names in TeimOrbit-formatted data files may have arbitrary upper/lower-case notation now
  2. PID controller output made continuous in first call, to reduce initial transients
  3. syntax check in arithmetic expressions improved: ’name of a function‘ no longer assumed by default if expression is part of a longer alphanumeric string
  4. evaluation of arithmetic expressions accelerated
  5. new fast interpolation routine for scattered data without need for previous triangulation
  6. fix: potential thread safety violation in cosin/io file reading routines
  7. introduction of new ‚program option manager‘: info about used program options added to program statistics output in verbose mode; option descriptions added in command-line invocation of cosin applications
  8. all non-7bit-ASCII-characters removed from all text files in installation directory
  9. improved error handling in case of license error
  10. version in private data folder now saved in file .cosinversion (name independent on version)
  11. potentially wrong interpretation of arithmetic expressions of form i.k+l (as done by GNU compilers) fixed, to match Matlab interpretation
  12. made sure no already closed files are reopened in case of program abortion with esc
  13. optional sound output in all cosin applications reactivated

cosin GUI

  1. mandatory OpenCRG library selection included in cosimulation tab of cosin launchpad
  2. CTI/server GUI extended and improved
  3. better placement of file selector windows
  4. improved windows control when generating encrypted rgr files
  5. plot window placement improved
  6. ‚New FTire/fit project ..‘ and ‚Open FTire/fit project ..‘ items added to cosin launchpad menu, for faster access to FTire/fit
  7. simplified cosin version check in private data folders
  8. GUI formatting improvements for high resolution displays in Windows


  1. tir-files can hold and manage now simultaneously pre-processed data for RT and non-RT speed modes; by this, preprocessing refresh not any longer necessary when changing speed mode
  2. arithmetic expressions kept in tir-files when discarding preprocessed data
  3. ‚discard pre-processed data‘ fixed in case of write protected data file
  4. new contact force visualization color introduced: orange if sliding but still left of friction maximum
  5. new detailed output of ‚cleat contact phases‘
  6. all example data files updated: default RT time step changed from 1/3 ms to 1/4 ms
  7. initial temperature scale value mad selectable in animation settings
  8. optional color legend quantization
  9. new and unified color scheme for contour plot and tire surface coloring
  10. automatic generation of sidewall texture image, indicating tire ETRTO string
  11. new search function for scope selection in animation window
  12. rim CAD model file name path may be relative to tire data file name now
  13. improved automatic time axis scaling in FTire animation online plots
  14. decoration strings in FTire animation window may contain now arbitrary signal values, enclosed in %
  15. RT mode prepared for optional thermal and tread wear activation
  16. obsolete operating condition ‚model level‘ removed
  17. thermal and tread wear model selectable in all speed modes
  18. efficiency of thermal model in accelerated speed modes improved
  19. optional sensor traces in animation window added (if sensors displayed and traces activated in sensor pane)
  20. sensor display made selectable in animation settings window
  21. scaling of scopes time axis improved
  22. fix png-file generation (via F3 in animation window)
  23. demo license allows movie generation now
  24. improved warning output in case of contact kinematics convergence issues
  25. instability recognition improved
  26. more accurate approximation of ‚contact point‘ output signal (and avoidance of convergence problems in case of sharp obstacles): usage of ground-pressure weighted footprint centroid instead of simplified contact geometry plot
  27. output of road height footprint in [mm] instead of [m]
  28. new truck tire example model
  29. cosin/prm and FTire coupled
  30. generalized recognition/creation of tire size string (ETRTO vs. P-metric vs. inch)
  31. making sure that inertia forces in rim-fixed part of the tire are taken into account appropriately in force/moment output signals
  32. optional output of deformed cross-section instead of full surface in animation window
  33. pre-processing in case of steady-state data given in tire-file made thread-safe
  34. correct gpo-file creation even if running backward or sideward
  35. FTire structural DOFs visualization introduced
  36. ground pressure output resolution made selectable
  37. gas temperature and mean tread surface temperature introduced as independent operating conditions
  38. independent initial conditions for filling gas temperature and mean tread surface temperature introduced
  39. detailed thermal model output optionally activated even in higher speed modes
  40. ‚lateral texture image shift‘ introduced and added to animation settings GUI
  41. rim paint color made selectable (between pure aluminum and black)
  42. extra camera shift settings added to animation settings from tir-file
  43. optional brake disk added to FTire animation
  44. fix: linearization in CTI if tire handle differs from tire index
  45. improvements in linearization and modal analysis:
    • proper mode shape animation of rotating wheel
    • allowing off-lifted wheel even when making ‚loaded‘ condition assumption
    • in animation, only overlaid mode shape is amplified, not the distortion due to load
    • angular speed of modal analysis of rotating wheels correctly taken into account in mode shape animation
    • size of mode shape animation window increased
    • minimum rolling speed specification for linearization unified
    • modal analysis result output formatting in GUI improved; message if modes are not recognized
    • animation speed, mode shape amplitude, meshed/rendered display made controllable in animation window
    • order recognition in loaded modal analysis made more robust
    • movie generation checkbox re-enabled in GUI
    • extra window for results output in modal analysis
    • modal analysis settings saved in cosin/tools settings file
    • error message if speed choice is illegal in modal analysis menu
    • maximum frequency introduced in modal analysis
    • loaded linerarization always in pseudo-rolling state now, to guarantee continuous transition from standing to rolling
    • made sure tire is rotating at least 3-times in steady-state pre-processing for modal analysis of rolling tire
    • ‚gluing‘ in standing tire modal analysis and linearization made selectable in GUI and ctiLinearize() calls
    • default maximum damping in linearization set to 100% (to take into account complete system), in modal analysis to 25% (to take into account only relevant modes)
  46. improved local implicit integration of block displacement in case of longitudinal coupling
  47. prevent effective longitudinal tread stiffness coupling to become negative
  48. fix: auto-balancing in case of TPMS sensor
  49. potentially misleading size checks for membrane tension parameter removed in FTire data file reading routine
  50. new optional side-wall coloring in FTire animation
  51. robust Tydex signal output even in accelerated MT mode


  1. FTire/fit simulation scripts for steady-state tests with active thermal model completed with optional pressure control
  2. FE data identification introduced; FE results import in FTire/fit
  3. score display for footprints and FE results fixed in FTire/fit
  4. FE results check-in improved: test for symmetry of road surfaces added, allowing in-plane/out-of-plane distinction, and more
  5. output of fer-files (FE load-case result files) in both in FTire/static and FTire/calc added
  6. direct check-in and identification of tdd-files (‚tire design data files‘) in FTire/fit, using internal automatic generation of fer-files (‚FE result files‘) with FTire/calc
  7. FE result comparison images added to FTire/fit report
  8. camber angle output added to slip sweep simulations in FTire/fit
  9. new example files for FE results, containing radial deflection now
  10. cleat description in FTire/calc and FTire/fit unified
  11. FTire/fit (and similar) report generation in Windows fixed
  12. all caption texts in FTire/fit validation plots unified
  13. structure distortion visualization added for tdd files in FTire/fit
  14. improved scaling/arrangement of cleat test plots
  15. color scale for FE result comparison changed from VGA to green/red
  16. info message issued if both drum angular velocity and drum moment of inertia is specified in FTire/fit cleat tests
  17. optional non-constant drum velocity signal read from tdx file in FTire/fit cleat tests
  18. FTire/fit projects made completely relocatable, by using relative paths in contr.ftf if applicable
  19. improved message output in FTire/fit function ‚compare all‘
  20. fix parallel cleat test simulation: first test might have had no proper road data
  21. FTire/fit GUI simplified: specification of free parameters for cleat test identification
  22. global scanning refinement steps introduced in FTire/fit optimizer
  23. automatic Fz offset detection in cleat test check-in added
  24. improvement in cleat test multi-criteria objective computation
  25. optional detailed RMS values output for FTire/fit cleat test validation
  26. wheel load controller for cleat tests with compliance improved
  27. FTire/fit report improved: add all figure captions to TOC; unified figure caption texts; improved formatting
  28. made sure cleat test after fitting are always plotted completely, even if only compared in frequency domain
  29. free parameter bounds computation for FTire/fit fixed
  30. rolling speed threshold value for static/steady_state discrimination in FTire/fit reduced from 1 to 0.1 m/s
  31. reading FTire/fit parameters from file name fixed if first digit after decimal point is 0
  32. fix: checking in tread patterns in FTire/fit
  33. improved error handling if some but not all cleat tests fail in a group validation of FTire/fit
  34. fix: treatment of case numbers > 9 in FTire/fit GUI for certain conditions
  35. checking in bitmaps other than footprints in FTire/fit re-enabled
  36. potential fail in cleat phase output fixed
  37. all wheel load controller gains in FTire/fit scripts set to 0.3
  38. some tooltips in FTire/fit settings improved
  39. error values display in friction menu made easier readable


  1. new output signal ‚actual_pressure‘ provided in FTire/sim, useful in realizations of pressure control
  2. looped simulation summary plot output fixed
  3. ogl-file generation in FTire/sim enabled
  4. all sim-script files made easier readable in Windows (some of them only had LF instead of CRLF)
  5. moving contact body option added to FTire/sim
  6. reference point for moving contact body in FTire/sim introduced
  7. output control in mixed sequential-parallel call to FTire/sim fixed


  1. prevent Matlab from crashing with ctrl+d when FTire/link model is running


  1. dynamic memory allocation for cosin/ip introduced, to allow loading of even huge data files
  2. fingerprint button added to cosin/tools for tires
  3. fix: potentially false plot signals when combining incompletely defined arithmetic expressions with multiple plots in cosin/ip
  4. diagram legend position improved in cosin/ip
  5. more general arithmetic expressions allowed in cosin/ip
  6. reload button in cosin/ip GUI fixed
  7. new Button in cosin/tools for optimization of numerical statics settings outside and w/o FTire/fit
  8. made sure road visualisation window is visible when opened
  9. improvements in cosin/ip and report generation: general legend table for attributes and file legends independent on number of actually loaded files
  10. coordinate axis display in cosin/ip improved
  11. immediate zoom/in and zoom/out implemented in cosin/ip
  12. made sure animation window in cosin/CADplayer is not hidden
  13. HTire/view graphics window reformatted
  14. trim function in cosin/ip fixed
  15. radial stiffness characteristics unit in HTire generalized
  16. feature date for HTire introduced
  17. command-line invocation of FTire fingerprint implemented
  18. new cosin/ip command fftpow2 (to control frequency range of power spectrum output)
  19. stack order in cosin/ip reverted: curves of first file are above curves of second file etc.
  20. cosin/ip cursor display made faster
  21. unit system ‚user-friendly‘ set to default unit system in cosin/tools
  22. unit system management in cosin/tools fixed/improved, to avoid generation of wrong values if menu is open during unit system change
  23. rim CAD file specification added to cosin/tools for tires GUI (tab ‚geometry‘)
  24. lower output step size limit introduced in record-file analysis (CL option -hmtl=…)
  25. Pacejka 2002 model export report generation improved
  26. occasionally required RT license shown in cosin/tools for tires GUI
  27. more animation setting items in tir-files made available through GUI


  1. cosin evaluation for crg roads discontinued
  2. external OpenCRG library is to be defined by the user (with cosin/tools cosimulation tab)
  3. OpenCRG library included in cosin installation as a convenience, built from OpenCRG 1.1 sources
  4. fixed 2 issues with RGR roads, detected by MSC:
    • patch swapping might not work properly if first tire handle is used only during init, but not in time loop
    • closed roads with superimposed RGR might see the RGR data only in the first lap
  5. multiple specification of same huge crg file enabled, loading only once (OpenCRG is not able to do so by itself)
  6. improved error message when trying to open encrypted road file in cosin/tools
  7. OpenCRG shared library now built with OpenCRG 1.1. sources
  8. password input for encrypted rgr files in Windows fixed
  9. improved computation of cleat on rotating drum geometry
  10. OpenCRG library unloading/loading enabled
  11. auto-detect road size for xml to rgr export improved
  12. superposition feature added to all cosin evr road data files
  13. superposition of rgr files on rotating evr drums introduced


  1. new ‚metrics‘ evaluation of FTire record files: frequency content analysis of input signals, API function calling statistics, time step control statistics, and more
  2. metrics evaluation for 3rd-party test results implemented
  3. made sure message output is not suppressed outside multi-threaded CTI-driven time loop
  4. prevent log-file from being partially deleted in case of instability of certain customer-specific applications
  5. output of licenses server and OpenCRG library in resources statistics
  6. improved error message if OpenCRG library cannot be loaded
  7. original OpenCRG messages shown in CTI message output
  8. new mechanism to query smallest compatibility date of all loaded FTire models
  9. zoom factor for CTI animation scenes changed
  10. maximum admissible compliance estimation for simple K&C vehicle models added to general properties output; available via API function ctiGetTireDimensions()
  11. road height output added to CTI record file analysis
  12. ctiSetModelLevel() set to ‚deprecated‘
  13. specification of animation settings source made available in 3rd-party environments
  14. no killing of calling solver’s GUI if no license is available
  15. added new CTI function ctiComputeForcesPosition() for usage in simple vehicle dynamics environments
  16. added two new CTI functions: ctiComputeForcesListMT() and ctiGetForcesListMT() to split the ctiComputeForcesList() call into a ’start all threads‘ and a ‚wait for all threads to complete, then get forces/torques‘
  17. added new CTI function ctiSetInitialTireTemperatures() to specify thermal model initial and operating conditions
  18. license returned even if calling solver does not call ctiClose() for whatever reasons
  19. ensure cosin/mbs uses the CTI shared library from the cosin/mbs installation folder
  20. made sure rims in cosin/mbs are mounted correctly (outside out) on all wheels
  21. put out contact point rather than wheel center in TYDEX signals # 66..68 during statics
  22. made sure animation window doesn’t hang if called from CarMaker
  23. new selectable feature in cosimulation settings: optionally prevent 3rd-party solver from disabling plot-file generation
  24. no mass correction data output if not needed (i.e. if called by cosin application)
  25. made sure old STI interface to Adams closes properly in case of run-time abort
  26. made sure linearization is refreshed if time has proceeded in a ctiLinearize() call
  27. ctiGetTydexSignals() extended, to put out compressed TYDEX signal array
  28. potential thread-safety issue in CTI during fast force extrapolation mode fixed, by avoiding data exchange with calling solver during FTire threads actively running

CTIDL (CTI Dynamic Library Wrapper)

  1. added COSIN_PREFIX handling to ctidlGetCosinInstallFolder which has priority over the setting stored in the cosin ini file
  2. added more relaxed ctidl symbol loading, i.e. instead of stopping if a missing symbol is found a list with all missing symbol will be printed and the error code in ctidlInit is set accordingly. This will allow the usage of older FTire versions with ctidl if the missing symbols are not used in the current interface code.

CTI/client (client side of TCP- or UDP-based remote CTI execution)

  1. new cticliComputeForcesListMT() and cticliGetForcesListMT() functions to split the cticliComputeForcesList() call in a compute forces/torque and a get forces/torque call
  2. new cticliSetInitialTireTemperatures() function
  3. added UDP support for cticliSetMultiThreadedCallFlag()
  4. added UDP support for cticliGetTydexSignals()
  5. removed cticliSetModelLevel()
  6. homogenized CTICLIINIT and CTIINIT structures

CTI/server (server side of TCP- or UDP-based remote CTI execution)

  1. added calling_solver handling (if set in CTICLIINIT structure)
  2. added -cpuid option in UDP mode to pin the server to a given cpu
  3. added ctisrv GUI for UDP communication specification


  1. relocate OpenCRG libraries to external install directory; removed from cosin lib path
  2. changed default Matlab release from R2009b to R2014a to avoid problems with Matlab greater or equal R2017a


  1. gpo file format description added to doc
  2. notation in all documentation texts changed: ‚Imperial Units‘ are now called ‚UTC units‘
  3. proposed usage of standard speed mode added to support checklist
  4. added subset of TYDEX output signal description to CTI documentation (Appendix A.2)


cosin software 2017-1 release notes

  • Maintenance release. Several minor bug-fixes; no functional changes

cosin software 2016-4 release notes


  1. license server might not have been found in .cosin-file under certain circumstances; fixed
  2. links to used files in log output fixed
  3. syntax check in arithmetic expressions improved: ‘name of a function’ no longer assumed if part of a longer alphanumeric string
  4. accelerated evaluation of arithmetic expressions
  5. unified output of license server and OpenCRG library in file/resources statistics

cosin GUI

  1. semicolon in MSC’s redundant license server specification accepted
  2. copy/delete function in FTire/sim file lists fixed
  3. parallel multiple call of all cosin GUIs fixed
  4. recognizes *all* application files now and opens respective application
  5. ‚reveal in Finder/Explorer‘ function added to FTire/sim and cosin/mbs GUIs
  6. ’show last run cl‘ added to all main menus
  7. CTI/server GUI introduced
  8. FTire fingerprint GUI introduced
  9. OpenCRG library selection included in cosin/cosimulation tab
  10. search function for scope selection in animation settings menu added
  11. new button in cosin/tools for optimization of numerical statics settings outside FTire/fit
  12. placement of transient windows made more user-friendly (old position is saved, even after move)
  13. direct call of tire or road tools now works with blank spaces in file names
  14. ‚cancel‘ function in file selection unified and reacts like expected
  15. new unified GUI for specifying animation settings


  1. prevented from ‚incompletely‘ activating thermal model caused by potentially inconsistent pre-processed data
  2. missing quarter-car in first movie frame added
  3. wrongly scaled cross section in animation window fixed
  4. instability risk due to insufficient tread resolution reduced (sudden maximum block radial deflection recognition threshold lowered)
  5. meaning of ‚tread depth during measurement‘ made less ambiguous: renamed to ‚tread_depth_at_vert_statics‘
  6. belt/carcass stiffness menu population fixed
  7. on-line scopes display in animation window fixed
  8. crash in thermal model prevented in case of inconsistent thermal model data
  9. preventing windows from being placed too close to left or lower screen border
  10. missing TYDEX signal ‚loaded radius‘ provided during statics
  11. looped simulation summary plot output fixed
  12. cross-section resolution in animation window increased
  13. coordinate system of cross section in FTire animation changed from inertial to TYDEX C
  14. new real-time speed-mode 6 introduced, suppressing extra output completely. Speed-mode 5 (limited TYDEX output) is required by VI-CarRealTime
  15. dependency of averaged tire temperature on friction and tread rubber stiffness added for all speed modes, even if thermal model is deactivated
  16. new subsystem ‚TPMS sensor‘ with respective signal output
  17. surface node accelerations computed, in addition to position and velocity
  18. minimum tire data file added to set of example files collection
  19. animation and ogl-file creation enabled if multiple tire instances are called sequentially
  20. all general properties are computed now even if data file is in highest speed mode
  21. warning issued in case of too many contact points for footprint animation
  22. new channel ’sample‘ always added to all mtl-files
  23. new mechanism of specifying FTire animation settings either in tir-file, in sim-file, or in extra animation settings file
  24. new rim forces output file provided
  25. no repeated preprocessing forced if only output settings have been changed in cosin/tools
  26. formerly undocumented ‚tread_depth_2‘ parameter renamed to ‚tread_depth_at_horiz_statics‘ and documented
  27. up to three parameterizable text strings (‚decoration‘) introduced in animation window
  28. up to 10 new configurable output signals (’sensors‘) introduced: tread states like temperature, thickness, stick/slip state, shear displacement etc. at prescribed rotating or non-rotating positions
  29. integration of new tread state sensors into cosin/tools GUI
  30. TMPS mass, imbalance, balancing treatment added
  31. TPMS: local inner liner surface curvature, distance to wheel center, effective sensor distance to inner liner, and more output added
  32. static auto-balancing made selectable
  33. FTire thermal model: speed-dependent cooling terms if tire is operated on drum improved
  34. FTire thermal model: cooling by heat radiation introduced
  35. thermal model activation (including selection of correct speed-mode) now possible from sim-script
  36. new optional basic wheel property ‚wheel_offset_ET’ (Einpresstiefe) introduced in FTire/core, cosin/tools, and documentation
  37. more general detailed footprint state output in gpo-file
  38. used license is reported in all environments
  39. selection of output files in FTire/sim completed
  40. optional detailed shear stress output in FTire/sim enabled
  41. icons in animation window menu introduced
  42. new output signals: mean tread temperature at zenith, inbound, outbound
  43. sensor visualization added to animation
  44. selection of footprint location separately or on tire made changeable during simulation
  45. improved tread state interpolation for extra output
  46. new ‚fingerprint‘ generation added to cosin/tools
  47. making tire temperature selectable in all analysis tools if thermal model is inactive
  48. consistent definition of all relevant operating conditions in all analysis tools
  49. stochastic variation of tread pattern repetition length introduced as new parameter
  50. metrics computation for 3rd-party tests implemented
  51. output of ‚FE result files‘ (fer-file) added to FTire/static
  52. tir-files can hold and manage now simultaneously pre-processed data for RT and non-RT speed modes. Preprocessing refresh not any longer necessary when changing speed mode
  53. arithmetic expressions kept in tir-files when discarding pp data
  54. ‚discard pre-processed data‘ fixed in case of write protection
  55. OpenCRG usage consistently set as default crg evaluation (in preparation of discontinuation of cosin’s crg-file evaluation)
  56. improved error message if OpenCRG cannot be loaded
  57. new contact force visualization color introduced: orange if sliding but still left of friction maximum
  58. all example data files updated: RT time step 1/3 ms -> 1/4 ms
  59. contour and surface color scales and legends fixed; new and unified color scheme for contour plot and tire surface introduced
  60. automatic generation of sidewall texture image, indicating tire’s ETRTO string
  61. rim CAD model file name may be relative to tire data file name
  62. decoration strings in FTire animation may contain now arbitrary signal values, enclosed in %
  63. automatic time axis scaling in FTire animation online plots


  1. interactive footprint comparison fixed
  2. made sure parallel FTire/sim simulations in FTire/fit all use their own speed-mode
  3. history sort function fixed
  4. check-in of steady-state data with deactivated thermal model fixed
  5. automatic creation of new obstacle data block in cleat definition file if found in measurement file
  6. indication in FTire/fit GUI if or if not relevant measurements are already checked in
  7. automatic extraction of basic data for FTire estimation from TYDEX file
  8. default display of image preparation instructions removed; format of contr.ftf simplified (downward compatible)
  9. report format improved
  10. new project generation simplified
  11. automatic window size correction for small screens
  12. measurement check-out implemented, for all kinds of cursor selections, and with automatic recognition if check-in or check-out is possible
  13. new error output in case of no valid files for check-in found
  14. animation in case of single footprint validation enabled
  15. generalized cleat geometry during statics: longitudinal and lateral shift; respective new load cases in static analysis
  16. parameter/measurement dependencies display improved
  17. automatic friction characteristic modification (sliding velocity data points) in case of accelerated horizontal quasi-statics
  18. *all* cleat tests now generate an mtl-file if ordered by user
  19. recognition of pulling speed when checking-in horizontal statics data
  20. improved output of friction cases
  21. new steady-state cases ’side_temp‘ ans side_cam_temp‘: slip or camber angle sweep with automatic activation of thermal model if measurement contains temperature channel and if allowed in settings menu
  22. full integration of thermal model validation into GUI
  23. additional arithmetic expressions in TYDEX files introduced, to define and create new signals inside data file
  24. generalization of image caption texts for stead-state cases: full html-code now possible
  25. more general filenames for type recognition allowed: keywords no longer are treated case sensitive, and leading underscore allowed
  26. user-selectable pressure detection tolerance added
  27. user query introduced if original measurement files are to be copied into project folder
  28. cleat test interactive analysis fixed
  29. event recognition for cleat tests improved to work also if lead has zero standard deviation
  30. shortcuts for creating / displaying reference results for steady-state and cleat tests in measurement list
  31. simulation scripts for steady-state with active thermal model completed with optional pressure control
  32. TeimOrbit data block names may have arbitrary upper/lower-case notation now
  33. implementation of FE result data identification completed
  34. cleat description in FESTire and FTire/fit unified
  35. all caption texts unified
  36. pdf generation formatting further improved
  37. checking-in of tdd-files for automatic generation of fer-files using FESTire introduced
  38. detailed output of ‚cleat contact phases‘ introduced


  1. hardcopy of plot skipped if plot is not ok for whatever reason
  2. made sure message output is not suppressed outside multi-threaded time loop
  3. new output signal ‚actual_pressure‘ provided, for realization of pressure control


  1. potentially false plot signals when combining incompletely defined arithmetic expressions with multiple plots fixed
  2. certain obsolete plot-file formats no longer supported
  3. optional plotting of spectra in dB
  4. use of current x variable as independent variable in dynamic arithmetic expressions like int() and der()
  5. made working with arbitrarily many files
  6. full support of shaded faces in png and eps plot output
  7. plot file sizes only limited by available memory now
  8. made all arithmetic expressions work in plot definitions

cosin road models

  1. fix potential convergence issue in ‚cleat on drum‘ obstacle evaluation
  2. patch loading of huge poly-line roads fixed (avoiding faulty error message ’not properly sorted‘)
  3. fixed 2 issues with RGR roads: (1) patch swapping might not work properly if first tire handle is used only during init, but not in time loop; (2) closed roads with superimposed RGR might have seen the RGR data only in the first lap
  4. drum/cleat geometry computation revised, to avoid strange limit cases
  5. triangulated road files in Simpack format partially accepted (yet still requires manual editing of header)
  6. further potential evaluation speed-up by introduction of vector version of RGR evaluation
  7. multiple specification of same huge crg file enabled, being loaded only once (not possible inside OpenCRG)
  8. OpenCRG messaging improved
  9. crg -> rgr export fixed if road preference is set to ‚cosin‘
  10. new example road _default.cpc


  1. added 6 new CTI functions (for more see documentation):
    • ctiOpenRoadGui
    • ctiOpenTireGui
    • ctiGetFileName
    • ctiSetOption
    • ctiGetDimensionDoubleData
    • ctiGetDimensionStringData
  2. added 4 new CTIDL utility functions (for more see documentation):
    • ctidlGetCosinGuiPath
    • ctidlOpenCosinGui
    • ctidlOpenRoadGui
    • ctidlOpenTireGui
  3. optional adjustment of CTI input signals (sent by 3rd-party solvers) introduced. Adjustment selection in tir-file or via call mode
  4. made sure CTI is cleanly closed in case of any error
  5. made sure message output is not suppressed outside multi-threaded time loop

CTI/client (cticli)

  1. added new initialization function cticliInit (similar to ctiInit) to replace cticliSetServer
  2. added UDP protocol support (switch between TCP and UDP via cticliInit) for a subset of the cticli functions (for more see documentation)
  3. removed the ctimsg parameter from all cticli prototypes
  4. added new cticli functions:
    • cticliFindOutputSignalNumber
    • cticliGetRimForces
    • cticliGetRimRotationStates
    • cticliGetTireDimensionData
    • cticliGetTireDimensionStringData
    • cticliGetTireHandle
    • cticliGetTireInstance
    • cticliInit
    • cticliLinearizeWheelCarrier
    • cticliListFiles
    • cticliModifyFriction
    • cticliSetInitialTemperature
    • cticliSetIntegerRoadParameter
    • cticliSetOutputStepSize
    • cticliSetTimeConstantForces

CTI/server (ctisrv)

  1. added UDP protocol support in ctisrv (server only accepts one client at a time)
  2. added initial support for TCP protocol in ctisrv on windows (server only accepts one client at a time)


  1. new document: RGR file format
  2. new document: test vehicle specification for 3rd-party tests
  3. gpo file format description added to documentation


cosin software 2016-3 release notes

  • Maintenance release. Several minor bug-fixes; no functional changes

cosin software 2016-2 release notes

  1. cosin ini-file made release-independent
  2. re-initialization in CTI enabled even in multi-threaded mode
  3. new menu entry for display and fast opening of all files of the most recent simulation/computation run added to all cosin GUIs
  4. ability to control CPU affinity in HiL and simulator environments added
  5. fix: in cosin/tools, parameter ‚volume_gradient‘ might not have been written back to file after changes
  6. new speed mode ‚fast co-simulation‘, to control and accelerate kind of solver/FTire parallelization
  7. in FTire/fit, provisions added to ensure that all parameter combinations taken into account during optimization show optimal pre-processing
  8. strange influence of cleat geometry on TDYEX W force computation in cleat tests removed
  9. error/information/message windows appearance and placement improved, to achieve better readability
  10. FTire/fit automatic complete identification made more robust
  11. fix: if mixed TYDEX systems had been used in FTire/fit, some plots might have become incomplete or wrong
  12. fix: all FTire/fit simulation scripts updated, to correctly work with all TYDEX axis systems, both with and w/o weight force included
  13. new button in FTire/fit: identify single parameter with group of cleat tests
  14. sort up/down enabled in FTire/fit history list
  15. introduction of milliseconds in FTire/fit history list, to enable discrimination of rapidly generated history entries during check-in or optimization
  16. parameter selection in FTire/fit footprint identification made more versatile
  17. increased accuracy of friction cases with small velocity in FTire/fit
  18. in FTire/fit, individual group validation now shown with partial score in history list
  19. improved comparison of measured and simulated footprint boundaries added, based on computation of semi-convex hull of bitmaps and triangulations
  20. documentation of required FE computations as input for the detailed flexrim model added
  21. automatic tread groove detection added to footprint check-in in FTire/fit
  22. general spline approximation in addition to spline interpolation implemented and used within FTire/fit
  23. co-simulation of CTI with simple suspension solvers (using steady-state K&C characteristics) made numerically more robust in highest speed mode
  24. variable drum speed optionally read from file in FTire/fit cleat tests
  25. dynamic stiffness on flat-trac made available as test case in FTire/fit
  26. error window introduced in case of (unlikely) crash of auxiliary program silently called from GUI
  27. new parameter: rim-to-road contact friction coefficient
  28. enhanced and completed selection of all speed and co-simulation modes in cosin/tools
  29. selection of favorite locations added to cosin launch pad
  30. selection of recent projects added to FTire/fit; management of project selection improved (‚recent projects‘, ‚last project‘, ’search project in..‘)
  31. terminology ‚project‘ in FTire/fit simplified
  32. improved wheel load controller for FTire/fit cleat tests at high wheel loads
  33. new FTire/fit steady-state measurement types RDYN and RMAX implemented, taking into account measured rolling resistance and belt growth
  34. optional automatic horizontal shift of mu-slip characteristics, to pass through origin
  35. improved automatic computation of cleat sync leading time in FTire/fit cleat test simulation
  36. fix: potential crash in FTire/link TYDEX block fixed (wrong connection of cti_a4 auxiliary S-function block)
  37. animation window size made adjustable with cosin/tools
  38. ’save modifiied data‘ during interactive simulation re-activated
  39. new 2D road visualization, using non-equidistant x-values from file
  40. conicity-independent computation of lateral stiffness during pre-processing introduced (compatibility date 2015.11.03)
  41. output/settings/help menu activated in most cosin windows
  42. in TYDEX-Files, use inflation pressure value from **CONSTANTS section if specified, and if signal from **MEASURMENT section varies too much
  43. Pacejka 2002 export made available with fttools license key
  44. private data folder marked with version number at generation time, to recognise if example files are to be renewed with version change
  45. new button in FTire/fit: ‚open sim script in text editor‘
  46. contact_processor_bound_RT in all tir-files set to 35 rather than 15. Risk of instability on rough roads was unacceptably high; small CPU time increase is acceptable
  47. FTire/fit: statics characteristics approximation and automated shift during check-in improved: only up-branch of hysteresis used; 3rd-order instead of 2nd order approximation polynomial
  48. fix: in cosin/tools, twice clicking ‚apply‘ in the tire imperfections menu might have deleted imperfection splines
  49. FTire/fit: mode sure additional stiffness properties are saved only if inflation pressure is nominal
  50. rarely failed cleat tests in FTire/fit are marked properly now with a new ‚error‘ icon; remaining successful tests get their proper score values and will be shown in report
  51. prevent message window from flickering if no license is available
  52. prevent all windows from occasional flickering due to periodic refreshment
  53. more user-friendly specification of load (and other) ranges in FTire/fit steady-state identification
  54. tooltips display in FTire/fit made switchable
  55. new ‚pack project‘ button in FTire/fit
  56. sidewall textures: dark background can be made transparent now as well (with negative threshold value); texture scaling fixed
  57. improved numerical stability of detailed air cavity model
  58. cti output files can now be specified even after loading of tir-file
  59. improved display of parameter/measurement dependencies in FTire/fit steady-state menu
  60. ‚open new road‘ selection added to cosin/tools road GUI
  61. generation pf png output files in parallelized FTire/sim runs enabled
  62. predefined operating conditions (pressure and tread depth) added to looped simulation parameter variations
  63. far-reaching source-code maintenance and improvements
  64. fix: on-cleat phase display in FTire/fit cleat test plots
  65. improved formatting of FTire/fit reports (grouping of single cleat test results on one page; page numbering, image placement, font sizes, etc.)
  66. placement and sizes of GUI, animation, and message windows improved
  67. fix: potentially ambiguous interpretation of constants in arithmetic expressions
  68. default road/tire data path remembered between cosin sessions
  69. fix: fallback to single-threaded mode if no MT license is available
  70. specification of solver-dependent maximum allowed speed mode introduced
  71. output of latest speed modes for all used tire instances added to final statistics
  72. display of scopes and running diagrams for all tire models enabled
  73. new setting option in FTire/fit: ‚ignore Fz offset‘
  74. automatic update of clt-file in FTire/fit, if new cleat specification is found in any of the TYDEX files
  75. new indication in FTire/fit GUI if or if not relevant measurements are already checked in: items are light grey if already checked in
  76. new selection ‚check out‘ in FTire/fit, to conveniently removed files from measurement check-in list
  77. improved ’new project‘ wizard in FTire/fit
  78. automatic extraction of basic FTire data (size, mass, inflation pressure etc.) from TYDEX file, used in new project generation
  79. fix: FTire prevented from ‚incompletely‘ activating thermal model
  80. FTire/fit windows resized for small screens
  81. cross-section resolution in FTire animation window increased and scaling improved; coordinate system changed from inertial to TYDEX C
  82. sorting of steady-state cases in FTire/fit improved
  83. fix: clean ‚abort‘ function in Windows for all cosin applications
  84. multiple parallel opening of several cosin menu instances enabled
  85. cosin/ip made working with arbitrarily many files
  86. fix: made sure parallel FTire/sim simulations in FTire/fit all use their own speed-mode
  87. FTire/Ffit: animation in case of single footprint validation enabled
  88. FTire speed mode 5 now supplies minimum TYDEX signals as required by certain solvers, but no footprint states. New fastest speed mode 6 introduced without any TYDEX output
  89. real-time check in cosin/tools now available even without RT license
  90. dependency of averaged tire temperature on friction and tread rubber stiffness added for all speed modes, even if thermal model is deactivated
  91. warnings in message windows are shown in color yellow rather than red now
  92. new FTire data file _minimum.tir added to example file list
  93. fix: animation and ogl-file creation if multiple tire instances are called sequentially
  94. fix: if any file or directory selection window in any of the operating systems is closed without selection (‚cancel‘), no further action is taken within cosin GUI thereafter
  95. cosin/ip: use of current x variable (if different from time) as independent variable in dynamic arithmetic expressions like int() and der()
  96. fix: potentially missing quarter-car in first movie frame added
  97. maximum number of allowed contact points in footprint animation increased; warning added in case of too many contact points
  98. new CTI functions:
    • ctiGetFileName (..) to put out certain filenames (tire data, road data, output files, etc.) for a given tire handle
    • ctiOpenRoadGui (..) to open the cosin road GUI with the current road file specified via current tire handle
    • ctiOpenTireGui (..) to open the cosin tire GUI with the current tire file specified via current tire handle
    • ctiSetAffinity (..) to set thread affinity for the current tire handle
  99. reworked CTI dynamic library wrappers (see chapter 5 in cti documentation) to simplify the dynamic linkage of the CTI shared library to external programs
  100. new CTIDL functions:
    • ctidlGetCosinInstallFolder (..) returns the current cosin installation folder
    • ctidlGetCosinGuiPath (..) returns the current cosin GUI path
    • ctidlOpenCosinGui (..) to open the cosin GUI
    • ctidlOpenRoadGui (..) to open the cosin road GUI with a given road file
    • ctidlOpenTireGui (..) to open the cosin tire GUI with a given tire file

cosin software 2016-1 release notes

  1. ​test case ‚dynamic stiffness on flat-trac‘ added to FTire/fit
  2. new error window introduced in case of (unlikely) crash of sliently called auxiliary program
  3. improved wheel load controller for FTire/fit cleat tests at high wheel loads
  4. run-time mode documentation corrected
  5. FTire parameterization docu revised (description of RDYN measurement)
  6. output of plots as ascii files in cosin/ip fixed 
  7. potential crash in one of the FTire/link TYDEX block fixed (wrong connection of cti_a4 auxiliary S-function block)
  8. occasionally ’sheared video‘ output in movie generation fixed, if pixel width is not a multiplicity of 8 
  9. reconstruction of basic data from auxiliary data in FTire fixed (belt torsional stiffness and rim m.o.i. under certain circumstances might have been wrong)
  10. cleat test synchronization at low speed in in FTire/fit improved
  11. settings menu made available in all versions of cosin/tools
  12. MSC license for cosin/tools made available even if called outside Adams
  13. tcl menu scaling fixed in Linux 
  14. Pacejka 2002 export made available with cosin/tools license key
  15. reformatting of FTire data files in cosin/tools reactivated
  16. in cosin/tools, twice clicking ‚apply‘ in the tire imperfections menu might have deleted imperfection splines. Fixed
  17. recognition of user-defined road models using an URM callback function fixed

cosin software 2015-4 release notes

  1. ​check for numerical stability of air cavity model added
  2. arithmetic expressions using plot signal numbers in cosin/ip enabled
  3. ortho/central projection made selectable in FTire/sim script
  4. animation improvement: rim flange forces colored red if attracting
  5. made 2d rdf roads reloadable when FTire is running in Matlab/Simulink
  6. improved loading of dynamic libraries
  7. maximum speed mode with step-size control enabled reduced from 4 to 3 (saving backup of state array per simulation step)
  8. improved message outout in cti/replay function
  9. lateral belt bending computation in case of bottoming improved
  10. rgr extrapolation type made selectable in rgr management GUI
  11. command line version of parallelized FTire/sim with multiple sim-scripts introduced
  12. fix: CTI S-function terminates correctly now also with multiple block instances
  13. restart option added to FTire/sim
  14. fix: rim data file loading made thread-safe
  15. new CTI API functions:
    •     ctiAnimateSceneWithExtRoad
    •     ctiComputeForcesTimeContinuousWithExtRoad
    •     ctiComputeForcesWithExtRoadList
    •     ctiFindOutputSignalNumber
    •     ctiGetArraySize
    •     ctiGetOutputSignals
    •     ctiInit
    •     ctiLinearizeWheelCarrier
    •     ctiReadOperatingConditions
    •     ctiReadStates
    •     ctiSetDiagMode
    •     ctiWriteStates
  16. following CTI API functions marked as deprecated:
    •     ctiGetOperatingConditions
    •     ctiGetStates
    •     ctiPutStates
  17. tolerance in tire data file comparison relaxed
  18. ‘reveal in Finder’ function added to cosin/tools
  19. cosin/gl short documentation via F1 made accessible in Windows
  20. force extrapolation to next time step in real-time application made numerically more robust
  21. appendix ’supported labels for ctiFindOutputSignalNumber‘ added to cti documentation chapter
  22. in case of several wheels, animation camera focusses the common center
  23. more than one consecutive steady-state initializations enabled in CTI
  24. offsets in FTire/fit plots added to caption
  25. fix: gyroscopic moments computation(effective only in alternative interface)
  26. new data item: rim radial moment of inertia
  27. specification of radial stiffness characteristic added to FTire editor in cosin/tools
  28. fix: unit converter, case m^3 -> in^3
  29. all feature dates prior to 2010/01/01 removed
  30. new optional FTire output file: contact patch boundaries
  31. new optional FTire output file: ground pressure, interpolated to regular grid
  32. CTI API function ctiSetRunTimeMode extended, to enable/disable calling solver step-size control
  33. export of rdf 3D spline to rgr file even if no rgr data contained in rdf
  34. optional MSC license check accelerated
  35. unconditionally load rim and suspension data files in ctireplay, if specified
  36. centerline in rgr files can be easily shifted and rotated with new simple entries in header
  37. rgr header format generalized: tabs allowed, blanks around ‘=‘ allowed
  38. fix: optional encryption of binary road data
  39. real-time settings menu in cosin/tools completed
  40. all cosin windows have now same special keys: Escape = close window, F1 = open cosin docu
  41. FTire convergence robustness during initialization improved
  42. dynamic memory allocation removed from time-critical FTire routines
  43. fix: potential memory leak in bitmap processing routines
  44. estimation of rim radial moment of inertia made more accurate
  45. cosin/prm interface to FTire added
  46. cosin/ip improvements:
    • GUI-driven change between zooming and coordinate display
    • new line styles and line colors (rainbow, Matlab-style, grey-scale) with GUI-driven selection
    • improved line stippling and grey-scale definition for optimzed B/W prints
    • mouse-driven zoom in/out
    • new command: save table data
    • diagram size change in GUI
    • computation and output of mean/RMS/standard deviation of signals upon demand
    • macro recording/replay
  47. fix: contact point velocity computation in case of large moving body angles (tilt table)
  48. add binary center-line data when resampling rgr file
  49. ’stick menu‘ button introduced in cosin/gl
  50. max number of diagrams in FTire/fit pdf creation increased to 1024
  51. new design of message file header
  52. measurement- and force-component-individual axis systems in all tests used by FTire/fit introduced
  53. non-SI units for force and moment allowed in TYDEX files
  54. FTire/fit report formatting improved, using style-sheets, page numbers, cover sheet, more explanatory text, etc.
  55. CTI server/client optionally using faster UDP instead of TCP/IP protocol
  56. fix: computation of contact moment My (only additional output signal) in real-time mode
  57. more robust computation of lateral and longitudinal stiffness during preprocessing
  58. FTire editor improved: alternative specification of vertical deflection and wheel load for horizontal stiffness added
  59. speed up of demo project generation in FTire/fit
  60. FTire surface data can be saved now as shl or obj files, with adjustable resolution
  61. new Tcl/Tk-based message output
    • all used files shown in message window made clickable, to open with respective application
    • ‚copy to clipboard‘ function added
  62. accurate nodal velocities output added to surface geometry output, needed for prm coupling and coupling to CFD solvers
  63. new flag ‘surface geometry output resolution’ introduced, to control resolution of co-simulation geometry/velocity output
  64. cosinm license check accelerated
  65. coordinate system for geometry output in FTire/sim made selectable (inertial / rim-fixed / wheel-carrier-fixed)
  66. bitmap tread pattern repetition made exactly periodic
  67. adjustable cleat event delay time introduced in FTire/fit
  68. fix: cleat test wheel controller in FTire/fit uses correct nominal signal (Fz in proper axis system)
  69. fix: reproducible usage of rdyn(v) dependency, controlled by setting accurate_statics=2 (before, TYDEX ouput of rdyn depended on previous call of ‚additional info‘)
  70. query password for encrypted road data files also in 3rd-party environments
  71. animation suppressed in realtime multi-threaded mode, even if ’noanim‘ option not set
  72. new tab ‚cosimulation‘ added to cosin launchpad, showing all settings that influence CTI and FTire behavior in 3rd-party environments
  73. all Ascii data file new-lines changed to CRLF, to allow clean editing with all editors, including primitive Windows editors
  74. added new cosinrun options ‚finder‘ to start OS-specific file manager, and ‚platform‘ to get calling platform
  75. reduced installation package size by removing binaries which are no longer needed
  76. ‚TYDEX-conform Output Signals‘ chapter added to FTire model documentation
  77. improved bookmarks and hyperlinks in documentation
  78. fix: NaN treatment in crg roads with elevated center-lines
  79. OpenCRG libraries upgraded to version 1.1.0.rc1
  80. cleat length specification in 2D road data files revised:
    • width (formerly length) is ‚physical‘ width of cleat. Parameter length still recognized; downward compatible
    • length_x is effective length in rolling direction
  81. external programs are called now using tcl exec rather than cmd, to avoid flashing of cmd window
  82. include demo project report and identified tire data file with installer
  83. output of deviation of large and small parameters from reference value during pre-processing improved
  84. Tcl/Tk-based message output window in Matlab/Simulink
  85. OpenCRG library loading improved, for repeated loading of same file
  86. missing rgr file ‚hydro_surface.rgr‘ added to installer
  87. dot admitted in formula expression variable names (needed for example in cosin/mbs)
  88. 2D road ‚tilt table‘ optionally equipped with obstacle (barrier) and variable rotation velocity
  89. user-defined message function made available in all calling environments, including cosin environment

cosin software 2015-3 release notes

  1. arithmetic expressions allowed in cosin/ip, to process and combine plot signals in plot output
  2. slider value reset fixed in animation window
  3. computation of lateral belt bending in case of rim contact further improved (potential outward bending and buckling avoided)
  4. measures to improve numerical stability in case of real-time mode with force extrapolation
  5. effective in-plane and out-of-plane bending stiffness made independent on speed mode, leading to better steady-state coincidence in all speed modes
  6. fix: cosin licensing issue if void license server string is specified
  7. fix: potential memory leak when closing cosin/gl animation window
  8. fix: wrong factor in computation of rim’s gyroscopic moment (bug was effective only in CTI’s alternative interface which is not used by any 3rd-party environment)
  9. fix: computation of contact point velocity in case of moving bodies with large angle variation (like tilt table)
  10. more minor issues fixed and useability improvements applied

cosin software 2015-2 release notes

  1. speed-up of Pacejka model export, by parallelization of virtual measurement generation
  2. script editor in FTire/sim generalized and made more user-friendly
  3. redesign of Pacejka model viewer
  4. relaxation length computation and output in general properties list
  5. new error/warning message summary in FTire and CTI log output
  6. optional skyhook damping added to quarter-car model in FTire/sim anf FTire/fit
  7. optional new contact patch visualization in full window mode
  8. new output data: contact patch boundary points
  9. more detailed output of real-time factors in CTI and FTire/sim
  10. animation in 3rd-party environments can be forced now in cosin launchpad -> output
  11. new output signal ‚road friction factor‘
  12. display of wheel location and rim forces in FTire animation window improved
  13. friction factor attribute made available in colored road surface visualization
  14. road color legend added to animation window
  15. image format of grabbed images in animation window is now ‘png’, thus reducing file sizes by about factor 30
  16. animation window layout redesigned
  17. default video codec changed from ‘mpg’ to ‘mp4’
  18. repeated and/or interrupted movie recording enabled
  19. interactive time-domain simulation control redesigned
  20. simplified and generalized definition of running diagrams in animation window (’scopes‘)
  21. shell file export in cosin/CAD browser
  22. new CTI function: ctiSetInitialTemperature()
  23. new CTI function ctiGetInstallationInfo()
  24. unit converter in cosin/ip und tydex reader generalized (Fahrenheit etc.)
  25. new cosin/ip functions ‘diff’ and ’nodiff’: difference signal between 1st and 2nd data file on/off
  26. superfluous license checks removed for speed-up
  27. animation windows for statics and steady-state simulations redesigned
  28. enhanced and more detailed rim flexibility data and model introduced
  29. Matlab script for generation of flex-rim data file from FE result file added to installation package
  30. new CTI functions ctiSetURM(), ctiSetURIM(), ctiSetUSM(), to provide tire handle instead of tire index in user-written model functions; old CTI functions ctiSetURIMFunc(), ctiSetURMFunc(), ctiSetUSMFunc() marked deprecated
  31. multiple parallel (‚looped‘) statics computations accelerated
  32. new example data file ‘thermal.tir’, demonstrating general thermal model
  33. automated call of ctiCloseHandle(), even if application only calls ctiClose()
  34. reduce GUI ‚flickering‘ when opening a menu
  35. optional multi-signal scopes added to animation window
  36. wheel load and radial deflection values during horizontal statics and handling added to cosin/tools GUIs
  37. modal analysis: improved mode recognition (to overcome potential preprocessing issues): ‘cone’ mode recognized and ignored
  38. new entry ‘open last’ in cosin menu, to further reduce necessary mouse clicks
  39. writing of rgu files made suppressible even after CTI restart
  40. inflation pressure and tread depth during measurement made accessible in cosin/tools‘ tire editor
  41. mp4 movie quality vs. size made selectable in FTire/sim
  42. menu in animation window appears/disappears dynamically if mouse is moved to/from right window border
  43. additional optional payload added to quarter-car model
  44. optional loading of OpenCRG friction data file
  45. calling CTI by step-size controlling integrators even at higher speed-modes (up to 3, but excluding true real-time modes 4 and 5) enabled
  46. generation of triangulated roads from rgr roads made transformable and scalable
  47. automated plot output in multiple-run FTire/sim simulations (‚looped simulation‘) added
  48. new function in cosin/roadtools: shift/rotate rgr road in reformat menu
  49. plot files in ‚looped simulations‘ made simultaneously available for plotting: new button ‚plot all‘; cosin/ip equipped with automated plot of multiple files from ‚looped simulations‘
  50. automated generation of file description strings in file legend
  51. up to 64 different line colors in cosin/ip
  52. detailed and accurate quarter-car initialization in FTire/fit added, to avoid long initial setting period
  53. multiple quarter-car models with same data file but different parameters (for example FZ) enabled in FTire/fit
  54. Simulink blockset and example models lifted to Matlab version 2010a
  55. fix: drum-speed redefinition in FTire/fit in case of parallel cleat test simulation at different speeds
  56. fix: occasional numerical ‘belt buckling’ in case of rim contact avoided
  57. fix: all GUIs made working within Gnome desktop @ RHEL7

cosin software 2015-1 release notes

  1. fix: selection of movie file names match selected codec
  2. fix: type of tread pattern specification might have been interpreted wrongly from FTire data file
  3. fix: in FTire/estimate, radial torsional stiffness might have been reset to zero, if if non-zero value is specified in reference data file

cosin software 2014-4 release notes

  1. implementation of own, highly optimized math library for trigonometric functions as well as all other used mathematical functions
  2. major extensions to movie generation: highest quality mp4 movie files (default; other codecs available as well) can be created without manual intervention on all platforms (Win/Linux/Mac) now
  3. reworked solver numerics to ensure platform independent results up to machine precision. Old feature dates might be affected. See documentation on this topic.
  4. single frame ‚animation‘ supports modification of frame and image details
  5. some more, timely uncritical output signals provided in real-time mode
  6. made sure that all GUI windows always fit on the screen, even with small screen size or low resolution
  7. location of contact patch and running diagrams in animation window made user-controllable
  8. more animation details even in higher speed modes
  9. light source placement in animation windows improved and made adjustable
  10. fix: memory allocation required for FTire linearization made fail-safe even for highest-resolution FTire meshes
  11. optional detailed quarter-car model provided for cleat tests in FTire/fit
  12. HTire (Pacejka 2002) model browser improved in cosin/tools
  13. new function: mirroring of rgr files provided in cosin/tools
  14. footprint boundary computation in FTire/fit made thread-safe, and parallelized
  15. sample simulation scripts for FTire/sim and FTire/fit revised
  16. documentation of CTI functions revised
  17. fix: usage of large tilt table angles in respective road data files for rotating tilt tables
  18. fix: pipe and filter symbols in arithmetic expressions within GUI-generated strings automatically replaced by uncritical characters
  19. up to four contact patches can be shown simultaneously in animation window
  20. improved and extended syntax check in arithmetic expression parser
  21. new logical operators in arithmetic expressions
  22. maximum formula length in arithmetic expressions increased to 1024
  23. several minor bug-fixes in formula parser
  24. FTire animation and CAD data browser take into account material data in WaveFront files
  25. in FTire/fit, priority selection of footprint size vs. radial stiffness on cleat (for determination of lateral bending stiffness) introduced
  26. optional company logos added to animation window
  27. fix: valid computation of transformation to contact system (only used for extra output) added in case of full 3d roads
  28. few missing images added to installation package
  29. size of influence patch in soft soil evaluation reduced, to reduce overlap of different wheels of a car (otherwise, MT evaluation might have been non-reproducible under certain conditions)
  30. footprint comparison added to cosin/tool’s steady-state GUI
  31. font sizes in GUIs revised
  32. cosin launch-pad can be called from within every arbitrary directory now
  33. in case of non-existing private working directory, user will be prompted if to create one
  34. better control of movie frame rate in animation: new option ‚frame rate (fps)‘; new spec of slow-/fast-motion factor in cosin/mbs sim scripts
  35. footprint contour plot scaling made selectable
  36. further speed-up in FTire/fit’s cleat test identification through parallelized preprocessing
  37. revision of FTire/fit GUI and function:
    • single paned window GUI
    • extended history function, using extra detailed listbox
    • several sort criteria for history listbox
    • taggable entries in history listbox
    • simple report generation even for ‚historic‘ versions of data file
    • several comparison functions between different identification states
    • introduction of detailed ’score file‘, to quantify measurement/simulation coincidence individually for all measurements
    • visualization of score values by respectively colored small rectangles in front of measurement list entries
    • simplified inspection of measurement contents and properties prior to check-in
    • simplified and extended control of simulation scripts and parameters after check-in
    • clear indication of proposed work-flow, through tabbed windows
    • pdf generation no longer requires any manual intervention
    • zooming of comparison images
    • friction case validation results made accessible w/o repeated computation
    • new option for steady-state check-in: average hysteresis ambiguities
    • improved removal of isolated pixels in footprint bitmaps
    • and much more
    • loadable size of replayable animation files (ogl files) increased
  38. fix: corrected output of TYDEX C forces in cosin/tool’s FTire statics computation
  39. fix: contact computation for forward rotating when using triangulations
  40. time slider added to time-dependent 3D road visualization
  41. cosin/io road data files which include road data block name in file name made accessible to 2D and 3D-user-defined road visualizer
  42. measures further reduce FTire’s memory footprint
  43. GUI-based FTire/sim script editor revised
  44. FTire data file’s feature date automatically displayed in cosin/tools
  45. output of number of warnings and errors in STATISTICS
  46. apply/cancel/ok button introduced in FTire/fit settings menu
  47. help button of FTire parameters (which automatically jumps to the respective entry in FTire’s model documentation) now works with most supported pdf browsers on all platforms
  48. rgr export from crg: new selection ‚center-line included or separate‘
  49. new function ‚diff‘ in cosin/ip simulation result plotter, to show difference between two data files with highest accuracy
  50. plot-file format generated by cosin/tools replay function made selectable
  51. record files (rec files) are associated with cosin/tools recorder application
  52. new crg road evaluation method introduced: cosin evaluation with no 3rd-party calibration
  53. optional detailed internal flex rim model added, to use computed detailed Green’s functions rather than simplifying approximations
  54. torsional stiffness added to flex rim model
  55. fix: occasional crashes in Matlab fixed, after pressing Esc or Ctrl-C in graphics window
  56. fix: auto-scaled rdf+rgr visualization in case of detailed banking angle data in rdf file did not show rgr patch
  57. fix: during statics with averaged road, non-thread-safe random number generator setting had been used
  58. improved error message in rdf road evaluation added, if not enough memory available
  59. flags ‚allow adding preprocessed data to tir-file‘ and ‚only pre-process if necessary‘ automatically set in FTire/fit in new files
  60. fix: Pac2002 export on Mac/Linux might not have started in parallelized mode
  61. create pdf files in letter format rather than A4 if actual unit system is ‚imperial‘
  62. new switch in rgr-files with centerline: noconv=0,1,2 sets no-convergence policy. Automatically set to ‚fast‘ in higher speed modes, or with respective keyword in rgr header
  63. new button in cosin/tools: ‚delete‘ spline data in tir-files
  64. fix: contact elements in cross-section plot sometimes missing
  65. new Matlab tool to convert flex rim FE results to flex rim data file (available only upon demand)
  66. ‚loaded radius‘ output signal added to TYDEX output, channel 54
  67. added list of supported labels to ctiPutOutputSignal() documentation
  68. fix: wrapping of road files by trivial 2d rdf file might have failed under certain conditions
  69. fix: assignment of cleat test conditions when running several cleat tests in parallel might have been wrong in FTire/fit under certain circumstances
  70. several stability improvements in FTire/fit and FTire/sim
  71. Known Issues

    • Using simultaneously moving roads or contact bodies and FTire data files with feature date prior to 2014.05.10 might lead to wrong positioning of the road. This will be fixed in version 2015-1. As a work-around, we recommend not to set any FTire feature date if using moving roads or contact bodies.

cosin software 2014-3 release notes

  1. fix: prevent occasional crash in FTire/fit’s ‚compare all‘ function if no cleat or steady-state test is available
  2. fix: occasional fail in evaluation of moving body contact in case of large horizontal motion
  3. fix: repeated simulation of FTire model block in Simulink might have failed under certain circumstances
  4. fix: soft soil parameter ‚max. sinkage velocity‘ might have been ineffective if road reference marker had been shifted upward
  5. fix: actual rotation angle of tilt table in respective 2D road might have been too small
  6. fix: initial velocity condition in FTire routine for HSPC might have been wrong for certain values of initial road shift
  7. fix: very rare occurence of nonrepeatable output signal computation ‚footprint length‘ in multi-threaded mode

cosin software 2014-2 release notes

  1. in FTire animation, tire sidewalls can be textured with arbitrary images
  2. rim CAD models can be added to FTire animation (example files included in download package)
  3. soft soil model improved: sinkage velocity can be restricted
  4. in all cosin applications using image files: gif, tiff, png, bmp, and jpg formats consistently supported now
  5. extra program cosingl for animation replaced by statically linked library solution; no more potential incompatibility between cosin application and cosin animation
  6. enhanced, tab-based specification of FTire animation settings in cosin/tiretools
  7. cosin/tools: integrated CAD model browser allows to select between meshed and rendered model representation
  8. FTire data file comparison tool completed with output of physical units
  9. cosin/ip plotting tools completed with differentiation, integration, and filtering of plot signals
  10. rgr file format documentation updated
  11. optional ‚Matlab-friendly‘ output of contact pressure distribution over regular grid added to FTire output
  12. optional PT1-delay introduced in Bekker-Wong soft soil model, for alternative smoothing/stabilization
  13. MSC-only road data files made available even if preferred road eval method is ‚cosin‘ (provided MSC license is available)
  14. extended configuration access in Adams interface (required for testing and debugging): on-line animation can be enforced with command-line option -anim in ini-file, even if Adams deactivates animation
  15. progression bar added to cosin applications GUI
  16. default axis system for FTire/fit cleat tests is ISO now, with flat road assumed (to prevent faulty peaks in forces due to cleat ‚inclination‘)
  17. optional increment > 1 for extraction of center-line data points from crg-file introduced (required in some cases to smoothen noisy crg files)
  18. support of new track data file format with GPS data of nominal track for cosin/mbs
  19. cosin/mbs GUI reorganized and adapted to FTire/sim’s GUI
  20. NaN healing in cosin evaluation of crg roads extended to extra channels (slope & banking), in order to read certain user-specific crg files
  21. new selection in cosin launch-pad allows to force quitting all active or hanging cosin applications
  22. steady-state and statics GUI in cosin/tools made more user-friendly
  23. stl-files supports as triangulated road data files
  24. both positive and negative rolling and turning speed allowed in FTire/steady-state
  25. fix: y and z components of nodes in shell file created from crg file had been equal
  26. new function pd(..) in arithmetic routines: PD controller
  27. improved ‚road under tire‘ browser in FTire/replay GUI
  28. FTire speed mode 4 (realtime) split into modes 4 (limited TYDEX output) and 5 (no TYDEX output)
  29. new CTI function ctiPutRimRotationStates(), to put out rim angular velocity etc. without time-consuming computation and output of TYDEX signals
  30. sample user road model included in installation package
  31. real-time capability test in cosin/tiretools now recognizes and displays potential problems in pre-processing and dynamic instability
  32. fix: computation of reaction forces on moving contact bodies might have been wrong in rare cases
  33. new history window in FTire/fit, including detailed display of changes, selection of data file to continue with, and more 
  34. ensure animation window closes immediately if pressing ESC or ctrl-C, or clicking the exit button within the animation window
  35. new function in cosin/roadtools: append new rgr patch to existing rgr patch
  36. new function to generate track data files, based on images with pixels set on center-line
  37. image for rgr creation made scalable
  38. automatic naming of new rgr files in cosin/roadtools improved
  39. all mathematical functions replaced by highly optimized and platform-independent evaluation
  40. FTire animation in steady-state computation with single frame allows settings changes now
  41. footprint states output (with timely uncritical extra effort) added to FTire realtime speed mode
  42. maximum window sizes in all GUIs reduced by margin for task-bar

cosin software 2014-1 release notes

  1. output step size in CTI can be set independently on animation step-size
  2. redesign and simplification of cosin/tools GUI
  3. cosin’s CRG road evaluation compensates OpenCRG bug
  4. CTI can handle now more than one RGR road file with integrated center-line at the same time
  5. new cosin/roadtools function to easily compare cosin and OpenCRG evaluation of CRG roads
  6. centerline export from RGR data files added to cosin/roadtools
  7. diagnosis mode added for FTire accelereted and realtime modes
  8. shear damping added to Bekker soil equation evaluation, to improve accuracy and numerical stability
  9. detailed tire data file comparison added to cosin/tiretools
  10. cosin evaluation of CRG road data files now supports linked data files and modifiers
  11. FTire/link: mex function to create matlab matrix from road evaluation added
  12. urm roads can be used in several instances, with same data file each
  13. automatic calibration of cosin-evaluated crg roads completed: (1) centerline-shif; (2) horizontal grid shift; (3) vertical grid shift
  14. CRG -> RGR export made robust against noisy centerline data
  15. moving road made available in CTI tire simulation replay
  16. parameterized simulation loop in FTire/static and FTire/steady-state enabled
  17. improvements in CTI multi-threading implementation, to better cooperate with special real-time systems
  18. export function WaveFront and SHL files -> RDF files added to cosin/roadtools
  19. new CTI function ctiPutRimForces(), for output of linear distributed rim flange forces
  20. include Tcl/Tk 8.5 distribution for all platforms
  21. correction in computation of free belt moments of inertia
  22. fix: small dependency on large yaw angles in FTire’s steady-state side-forces (for downward compatibility, fix can be made ineffective with feature data 2013/12/13)

cosin software 2013-4 release notes

  1. new menu entries in cosin GUI: ‚open recent‘ and more
  2. file size of cosingl animator program reduced, function unaffected
  3. wheel envelope browser function and GUI extended
  4. regions of different friction or soil index shown in different colors in RGR meshed automated visualization
  5. new option ‚generate png-file‘ in 2D road visualizer
  6. solver is no longer aborted now if cosingl version is incompatible
  7. accept up to 4 different triangulated road files, rather than just one
  8. documentation system reverted back to printable, searchable, and internally linked pdf’s
  9. matrix name suffix made selectable in FTire/linear
  10. new state for footprint contour plot: tread wear rate
  11. ‚unsaved‘ state indicated in cosin/tiretools only in case of any relevant change
  12. footprint shape coincidence added to set of FTire/fit command-line version objective functions
  13. center-line banking angle added to road animation model
  14. real-time capability can now be tested without real-time license option available
  15. better error messages in case of accidentally incomplete installation
  16. FTire/link blockset substructured and reorganized for better usability
  17. new FTire/link block: TYDEX compatible, single-threaded
  18. mass/stiffness data window in cosin/tiretools equipped with tabs for better readability
  19. improvements in cosin/tiretools and cosin/roadtools GUI: cancel/save/undo buttons, and more
  20. optional password-protection of binary RGR files
  21. smooth build-up of road surface height during initialization in case of multiple body contact added
  22. Bekker soil model improved: no sinkage change possible if contact pressure is zero
  23. version 1.3 of TYDEX-STI documentation replaced by version 1.4
  24. OGL files for animation replay can now repeatedly be opened and closed during the same program run
  25. OGL file size tremendously reduced
  26. potentially missing first frame in OGL file added
  27. potential memory leak in OGL file visualization routine fixed
  28. own highly accurate and efficient sin/cos-evalution introduced, to result in bitwise equal function values on all supported platforms